heres an early script of prometheus
before lindelleoff – one of teh lost writers got his hands on it
i think i prefer it to the final version, a lot
to summarise the differences
-they do land on lv426
-weyland isnt with them
-vickers doesnt get killed in that ridiculous way of the ship falling on her; she is eaten through by acid when an alien is shot next to her
-david goes bonkers when he masters the engineer language and frees himself of his programming
-david doesnt ingfect holoway a facehugger gets him aslugliek xenomorph is loosed on the ship ala Alien
-david also forces shaw to be exposed to the a facehugger, like carter burke tries in Aliens
there is no cringeworthy proposition to shag between idris elba and charlize theron
only idris elba is left at the end so his crew cant say how much they love him and are happy to die with him
-fifiled becomes an alien human hybrid (ala alien 4?) rather than a zombie
– theres no ambiguity the ship was full of bioweapons heading to earth to kill humans david found that out
-at the end shaw is living the high life in vickers module
ethe rest is pretty much the same
lindeloff just added a load of psuedo mystical BS!