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  • Prometheus, what a film!!!!!!!!
  • footflaps
    Full Member

    Very disappointed by it, characterisation was poor, plot was dull. I really can’t understand how Ridley Scott came to make such a poor film.

    Full Member

    30 years on from Aliens I can probably still name most, if not all, of the characters. 30 minutes on from Prometheus, I’d have struggled to name any.

    Very well put.

    Free Member

    They should have tied it in to the Alien film and then it would have made sense, especially to all the sci-fi geeks. It was an opportunity missed in my opinion. I bought the Blu-Ray and wished I’d rented it grrr.

    Free Member

    mikey74 – Member
    I love how people point out the plot holes in Prometheus, obviously ignoring the fact that Alien and Aliens are riddled with plot holes as well. (not to mention 3 and 4)

    Hold on though, there are plot holes, but you have a basic thread of storyline which you can easily follow and characters which you could relate to. In Prometheus, the characters are stupid and you don’t care about them whatsoever plus the plot holes and bizarre decisions happen about every 5 minutes. It’s a constant distraction through the film.

    Free Member

    erm, whats not to like? huge space craft, check. giant evil aliens, check. a massive fanny with teeth, check. just lacking in some big robots smashing each other up. its a sci fi film, after all…

    Full Member

    Well, yeah, but.

    Sci-fi can make up any rules it wants. But if it then doesn’t stick to its own rules, it sets off my CDO.

    Plus, as said, people hand-chosen for a mission shouldn’t be so monumentally thick.

    Free Member

    I’ve just watched it and enjoyed it except,I had to empty the washing machine. I left the film running and I don’t think I missed anything.

    I too expected more from Ridley, but hey, I mean his Rapha films are really good, this had the makings but just, just failed.

    I didn’t turn it off though, so on balance..7/10

    Free Member

    I watched ten miuntes on a ‘plane and had a strange feeling of déja vu, it was exactly the same as Alien but with different characters. I gave up and watched Race Across America instead.

    Free Member

    Watched it on DVD recently really enjoyed it. Having seen alien recently and slightly coloured by the Kermode review I could see how it lacked the grittieness of alien but had enough going on that we were talking about it after the end. Again better than most of the dire crap in the top 10

    Full Member

    heres an early script of prometheus

    before lindelleoff – one of teh lost writers got his hands on it

    i think i prefer it to the final version, a lot

    to summarise the differences
    -they do land on lv426
    -weyland isnt with them
    -vickers doesnt get killed in that ridiculous way of the ship falling on her; she is eaten through by acid when an alien is shot next to her
    -david goes bonkers when he masters the engineer language and frees himself of his programming
    -david doesnt ingfect holoway a facehugger gets him aslugliek xenomorph is loosed on the ship ala Alien
    -david also forces shaw to be exposed to the a facehugger, like carter burke tries in Aliens
    there is no cringeworthy proposition to shag between idris elba and charlize theron
    only idris elba is left at the end so his crew cant say how much they love him and are happy to die with him
    -fifiled becomes an alien human hybrid (ala alien 4?) rather than a zombie
    – theres no ambiguity the ship was full of bioweapons heading to earth to kill humans david found that out
    -at the end shaw is living the high life in vickers module

    ethe rest is pretty much the same

    lindeloff just added a load of psuedo mystical BS!


    Full Member

    30 years on from Aliens I can probably still name most, if not all, of the characters. 30 minutes on from Prometheus, I’d have struggled to name any.

    30 years ago and we were 30 years younger. Maybe kids watching Prometheus thought it was a totally epic film in the same way that we thought a film with a dwarf with pointy ears, a lanky bear and an asthmatic guy wearing a dress was the most mind blowing experience ever!

    Full Member

    Nice find with the script. There’s an overview / introduction here. Seems it’s authentic.

    Free Member

    Pro”meh”theus? Yawn. Expensive CGI fails to save crap plot. Do like the “honest trailer” link.

    I far preferred Men in Black 3 – at least it was funny, and Josh Brolin’s Tommy Lee Jones was a class act.

    Free Member

    I found it awful and utterly boring.

    Free Member

    My DVD’s for sale..

    If anyone…


    Remotely interested.

    Free Member


    was half way through the ‘engineer’ script and its now gone.

    anybody manage to down load it before 20th century fox found there stolen goods?

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