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  • Praying outside Marie Stopes Clinic
  • funkmasterp
    Full Member

    I am more amused about the alternative facts that have been presented here. Even by STW standards they have been epic.

    What alternative facts? Using the latest (extremely stupid) buzzword does not add any validity to your trolling. Your lack of empathy for women having to make their way passed these people genuinely staggers me.

    Free Member

    My lack of empathy? 😉

    I haven’t given any views on the actual issue itself. I have merely commented on the gap between the situation described by the OP and the alternative facts that have subsequently used by others. Oh, and considering why “the mob” might be bothering with their “protests and intimidation” thereby considering whether there may be more that one form of empathy here.

    FWIW, I am happy to leave the abortion issue to the individuals affected, albeit that this includes one group that has no voice at all.

    Full Member

    its THM – lack of knowledge / empathy and continual trolling are his trdemarks – that and catty comments after my posts despite the fact I block him so usually don’t see them.

    Free Member

    FWIW, I am happy to leave the abortion issue to the individuals affected, albeit that this includes one group that has no voice at all.

    So nothing to do with the people outside making an attempt to intimidate then.

    Oh, and considering why “the mob” might be bothering with their “protests and intimidation” thereby considering whether there may be more that one form of empathy here.

    We can all understand that people have views on these things, there is however in a decent world a time and a place for it. You do seem to be flip flopping around on this one it’s a protest it’s not, who could possibly be upset by a few mumbling idiots.

    It goes against rule one of life, don’t be a dick. It also seems to go against the sort of values they are meant to represent (which has reading the post about the Irish perspective highlights of how hypocritical religion gets some days)

    Free Member

    Good old tolerance – as long as it’s only one view eh?

    No place for balance, let’s stick to wild exaggeration instead

    (It’s called taking the mickey out of exaggerated claims)

    Full Member

    I haven’t given any views on the actual issue itself. I have merely commented on the gap between the situation described by the OP and the alternative facts that have subsequently used by others. Oh, and considering why “the mob” might be bothering with their “protests and intimidation” thereby considering whether there may be more that one form of empathy here.

    You don’t need to, the insinuation is right there in every post.
    And you’ve yet to elaborate on what these ‘alternative facts’ are that you keep alluding to.
    Or is it just a convenient term to troll people, just like Trump does?

    Free Member

    The alternative facts are obvious, Read the OP an then read how this subsequently gets discussed. Not even close.

    Free Member

    Every day, there are a few people holding rosary beads and clutching a bible, while mumbling.

    Who, or what are they praying for?
    It’s fairly obvious, unless you want it not to be. They are deliberatly doing that in order to protest and make their point to individuals doinig something perfectly legal (in many cases seeking advice). They are targeting in many cases vunerable individuals while they seek medical treatment.

    Perhaps with strong views they could organise a march through a large city and put their views to politicians. Would probably make more sense.

    Free Member

    Again, others have put forward a different interpretation.. Tolerance and empathy is a wonderful thing isn’t it? Or is that only if it fits your interpretation?

    Free Member

    Congratulations THM, you’re doing exactly what these people “praying” are doing. In case you think that’s a compliment, I agree with mikewsmith – check the end of his next to last post

    Free Member

    I have no idea why you are congratulating me? I have no idea what they are doing, although I have made a suggestion. Perhaps the OP could ask them or shall we just hide behind our own assumptions that suit our own narratives?

    Either that or avoid empathy towards anyone who has different views to us. We could exaggerate what they are up to for effect too. Kind of like £350m….it works at the moment.

    Full Member

    thm – Using ‘alternative facts’ a lot makes you sound like a Trump apologist, not someone who’s trying to put forward a case with any actual evidence to back it.

    Rather than just vaguely waving at ‘up there’ why not list the things that you think show that the people praying are not doing it in a way that is designed to intimidate and upset those attending these clinics and has been perfected over years of carrying out a variety of protests at these establishments?

    Full Member

    Either that or avoid empathy towards anyone who has different views to us.

    I agree, a lack of empathy to people with different views is definately the root of the problem here.

    Full Member

    Either that or avoid empathy towards anyone who has different views to us.

    Which is exactly what the people ‘praying’ outside the clinic are doing.

    I’m not apposed to religion just the people who focus on the vengeful and apocalyptic elements of a religion which is supposed to be based on compassion & tolerance.

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