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  • Praying outside Marie Stopes Clinic
  • curiousyellow
    Free Member

    I work near one.

    Every day, there are a few people holding rosary beads and clutching a bible, while mumbling.

    Who, or what are they praying for?

    Do they also pray outside the military enlisting offices? ICUs? I’ve been to ICU a few times, but I’ve never seen them outside one.

    Free Member


    I said a silent prayer before going into a Marie Stopes clinic, but that was another thing.

    Free Member

    I assume they are Christians against abortion and are praying for the unborn lives being terminated.

    Free Member

    You could always ask them, I suspect they’d be delighted to tell you what they’re doing there.

    Free Member

    They are praying for all the souls going to hell.

    Free Member

    Regardless of your belief in the power of prayer, i’m pretty sure that location is irrelevant.

    Surely they’d be equally effective if they were sat praying in Starbucks or the pub?

    Free Member

    Only thing worth praying for in Starbucks is better coffee

    Free Member

    Only thing worth praying for in Starbucks is better coffee

    On a completely unrelated note, am I the only one who insists to the staff in Starbucks that my name is Costa so they need to write it on the cup.

    I’m not even Greek.

    Free Member

    Isn’t it rude to interrupt people in prayer?

    Full Member

    Probably ruder for those standing outside an abortion clinic to force beliefs and judge others, TBH…


    Full Member

    Morons, It is not a back and white issue, there are conditions which are diagnosed in-utero which can lead to a short but painful life if carried to term. Which is better no suffering or a short but painful life having been carried to term by a mother aware that her child will have a short but painful life? dicks.

    Free Member

    Tell em to move to Utah and all their dreams will come true..

    Free Member


    I’m not sure that assuming they’re dicks is altogether fair if all they’re doing is praying outside on the street. And just because they’re praying doesn’t mean that they all see abortion as a black and white issue.

    I would agree if they were acting inappropriately by in any way harassing or distressing anyone, but beyond that I think you might be being a bit harsh.

    Free Member

    Not much Googling gets you the answer[/url]

    Free Member

    While we can’t assume what they think about abortion, I’ve always thought that prayer was a private thing. As perchypanther has already pointed out, you could pray for unborn children at home or in church or on top of a hill. Doing it right outside an abortion clinic could be interpreted more as a political rather than prayerful message which is a bit disingenuous, I feel.

    Full Member

    its intended to intimidate.
    they used to hold demos but this got banned so now its prayer meetings

    Full Member

    its intended to intimidate.
    they used to hold demos but this got banned so now its prayer meetings

    This ^
    Just a low-key version of the Westboro Baptist Church, without the provoking people to violence so they can be sued.

    Free Member

    Yay! Another religion bashing thread.


    Full Member

    I’ve been to ICU a few times, but I’ve never seen them outside one.

    Not sure prayer can help on ITU, unlike noradrenaline.

    Full Member

    Do they just stand there praying out loud? Each to their own, but that just strikes me as slightly demented. I think it was Bill Hicks who said “if you’re so pro life, go and pray outside a cemetery” and I couldn’t agree more with that sentiment.

    I don’t hang around churches telling them how stupid believing in a Sky man is. I doubt they would like it if I did either.

    Full Member

    neal – when they do reprehensible things they deserve it and a campaign of intimidation outside abortion clinics is reprehensible

    Free Member

    telling them how stupid believing in a Sky man is

    😀 😀 😀

    And we’re off!

    Full Member

    sad people trying to enforce their ignorance on others

    I didnt notice any when I went in to get my tubes tied b4 xmas

    after all….

    Full Member

    Well said tj.

    It’s these sort of people that give religion a bad name. I’m not religious, but have nothing against people believing whatever they want to believe. What I don’t like is people using their beliefs in an attempt to intimidate or undermine others.

    Somebody above described them as dicks. What they are doing is really dickish, so yes they are dicks. Same as I’d be a dick if I spent my Sunday’s outside the local church clutching a copy of the God Delusion and muttering about the ludicrous nature of religion.

    Free Member

    when they do reprehensible things they deserve it and a campaign of intimidation outside abortion clinics at legally operating hunts is reprehensible

    when they do reprehensible things they deserve it and a campaign of intimidation outside abortion clinics a political party conference reprehensible

    Does it only apply to certain a certain category of “campaign of intimidation”?

    Praying certainly seems less reprehensible than spitting at, punching, ripping shit up and wearing balaclavas.

    Free Member

    telling them how stupid believing in a Sky man is

    Could be worse, could be a Sky woman. People believing in Kay Burley need help.

    (I’ll fetch my coat 😀 )

    Full Member

    Nope. Hunts are breaking the law continuously thus are fair targets. they also regularly attack hunt sabs. Poor example. You could put it as protesting outside military bases as a better equivalent but even then its not as you are not intimidating people in a fragile state of mind

    Full Member

    Religion is like a penis. Its fine to have one or not have one. Its fine to be proud of it and to enjoy it. Its not acceptable to attempt to stuff it down the throat of everyone you meet

    Free Member

    breaking the law continuously

    Hyperbolic rubbish is Hyperbolic.

    Full Member

    Religion is like a penis. Its fine to have one or not have one. Its fine to be proud of it and to enjoy it. Its not acceptable to attempt to stuff it down the throat of everyone you meet

    Or to get it out in public and wave it around 🙂

    Free Member

    when they do reprehensible things they deserve it and a campaign of intimidation outside abortion clinics at legally operating hunts is reprehensible

    when they do reprehensible things they deserve it and a campaign of intimidation outside abortion clinics a political party conference reprehensible

    Does it only apply to certain a certain category of “campaign of intimidation”?
    Praying certainly seems less reprehensible than spitting at, punching, ripping shit up and wearing balaclavas.

    Sorry man but you are a mile away from a decent analogy here.

    To suggest that women having abortions are legitimate targets for protest is mind-boggling.

    Free Member

    While we can’t assume what they think about abortion

    I think we can

    Praying certainly seems less reprehensible than spitting at, punching, ripping shit up and wearing balaclavas.

    those boarding day years were tough werent they.

    TBH I think they have the right to protest the problem is they often stray into just abusing people at a very difficult time and this means that their right to protest has to be slightly curtailed as it will cause GENUINE distress

    Very few folk will see abortion as a clear cut black and white issue

    Full Member

    CFH – there is no doubt at all the vast majority of hunts break the law deliberatly and continuously and the hunt sabs have a good record of exposing them. From assaults on sabs to cubbing to killing foxes with a pack of hounds to allowing their hounds on land they have no right to be on to hounds attacking family pets.

    want chapter and verse?

    I’ll tell you what – you name a hunt and I bet I find good evidence of illegal activity ( you will probably find one that doesn’t break the law 😉 – there must be some)

    Free Member

    I think they have the right to protest the problem is they often stray into just abusing people at a very difficult time and this means that their right to protest has to be slightly curtailed as it will cause GENUINE distress

    Very few folk will see abortion as a clear cut black and white issue

    Yep, that’s about it. If it’s just prayers, as per the OP, I fail to see the problem.

    those boarding day years were tough werent they.

    And just when I was agreeing with you, you have to say something pointlessly shit. 😐

    Free Member

    Ok, Devil’s advocate time.

    If you really really believed that babies were being murdered somewhere, wouldn’t you want to do anything you could to try and stop it?

    Full Member

    CFH – you may fail to see the problem but many of us can see it. Prayer is inherently offensive to some hence it should be a private affair not public and the only intention here is to intimidate and upset people. If the prayer is to save the lives of the fetuses then it does not have to be outside the clinic does it – god listens everywhere

    Full Member

    Only thing worth praying for in Starbucks is better coffee

    That’s going to need a miracle, not just prayer.

    Free Member

    And just when I was agreeing with you, you have to say something pointlessly shit.

    it was meant in humour [apologies] but you did bring up hunting in a debate about abortion which i would also consider a pointless sidebar

    Free Member

    Fair enough, Junky! 🙂

    TJ, if we stopped doing everything that’s “offensive to some” we’d never leave the house. On the scale of offensive, someone praying is hardly offensive. It’s just a way of expressing a point of view. As before, stepping beyond prayer is where it becomes a problem, but prayer per se isn’t.

    I find brown shoes with a suit offensive. Should we ban that?

    Reductio ad absurdum, but the point is, where do we stop stopping things?

    Full Member

    Or to get it out in public and wave it around

    Yes keep it tucked away and play with it on your own or like minded folk.

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