I had better not say anything about any controversial subject. Dunno if this has come to the notice of the mods yet but I bet any sign of “vigorous debate” it will be time for the humane killer
Hi! *waves* honestly, it’s good to know there are still some from the earlier days of this forum who are still around. 😀
And it’s very sad to see the number who are, for whatever reason, no longer with us, in the wider sense. 😐
I took an enforced sabbatical of sorts from the forum a year ago due to a recurrent shoulder injury that prevented me from riding. It has recently been operated on. I’m in rehab and hope to be back on my bike towards the start of December. I found not being able to ride during this period quite depressing so I distanced myself from all things MTB’ing to avoid a constant reminder of what I was missing. Since the surgery a month ago I’ve returned to the site as a lurker – and what’s struck me is how lack-lustre it seems to have become. Some of the more interesting personalities have disappeared and the posts aren’t as engaging – for whatever reason – comedy value, interest, challenging etc. Also the threads don’t appear to turn over as quickly as they once did – is it a less busy place?
@deluded I have hardly ridden this year (once a month I’d say 🙁 ) and if anything it has resulted in more posting although admittedly mostly in non-bike threads 🙂
@scotroutes – I’ve been on this forum 10 + years and for me it’s definitely lost some appeal over the last two or so years – the quality of post/thread has dipped off. No longer do I get the belly laughs or feel as connected with the topics as I did. It’s not wistfulness on my part I don’t think – perhaps I’ve changed – I dunno? I was hoping that upon returning it would have recovered some of its spark, but if anything it’s become even more languid.
I see someone mentioned pussywillow. My god, really? He wasn’t any good at trolling even though it was raison d’etre.
Not seen anything from rudebwoy for a long time, either.
I assume both were given their marching orders.
I remember a thread where someone asked pussywillow about his experience with ladies. He replied that he was “in up to the tatoes as we speak”, which left me wondering how anyone could type so quickly with their spare hand.
Some of the more interesting personalities have disappeared and the posts aren’t as engaging – for whatever reason – comedy value, interest, challenging etc. Also the threads don’t appear to turn over as quickly as they once did – is it a less busy place?
I wouldn’t say it’s less busy; nor would I say that the threads are less interesting. Some interesting posters of old have gone quiet, but it’s still as good a place as it has ever been. I’m with scotroutes on this one: I think you’re talking nostalgia.
I’m glad we don’t see devs so often. BTW, shouldn’t you be recovering from an excessive fluid intake?
I remember when all this was fields, far as the eye could see, and we were all younger and funnier, and did more interesting things more often. The night of the bean flicking sticks in the mind, much though I wish it didn’t.
just been sat thinking, there are loads i used to have a good crack with who are no longer regular on here.
chip, stan, anotherstan, foxychick, alexnutt, mamad, fred, shredder, solo, idave, stoney, izakimak to name a few.
even ones i didnt seem to get on with for one reason or another, but were good entertainment and posted enjoyable stuff (DD, ernie, edukator, cynical) dont seem to be on much of late.
saxonrider – I know what nostalgia is. This it isn’t. This place has lost something and it’s not so busy. There’s a sizeable number of contributors that made this place interesting who are absent – or certainly have been in the last 5/6 weeks as per tons observations. Believe me I’m not the type to get misty eyed about the past. I’m sure it’s just a lull and will pick up again – or at least that’s my hope.
Seems pretty much alive IMO, ok so some folk have found other things to do (by nature or design) but there are a lot of new folks on here, folks I’ve never seen post before or only recently (say last 3-6 mths)
Maybe less of a clique than before, more a spread of views/opinions ?
I was hoping that upon returning it would have recovered some of its spark, but if anything it’s become even more languid.
It’s all the Tramadol folk are taking to boost their Strava times ladled on top of the frenetic excitement that comes from driving a VAG-family turbo-diesel estate on the ragged edge.
I do wonder if Strava is impacting on people’s brains. It seems to have coincided with the death of the anarchic, free-wheeling, single-speeding attitudes that used to make this forum such a great place 😐
Well, for what it’s worth, here’s my thoughts on it. I stopped visiting the forum primarily due to an RTA and its subsequent effects on my health. Having said that, at the time, I (perhaps stupidly, with the benefit of hindsight) was too easily involved in arguments on here, particularly about religion, and found myself increasingly wound up and pissed off. I also felt frustrated at times at what I felt was over moderation. I know, it’s a forum that can be used by anybody, and we need to be mindful of causing offence, but there were times when I felt unable to say what I really felt due to this. In conjunction with this, I recieved a number of e-mails from an ex forum member that were leaving me feeling that I couldn’t be bothered with the hassle any more. Fast forward a year or two, and I feel I now have an entirely different prospective on life (a near death experience will do that, let me assure you). It was really nice to catch up with people I remembered when I was posting regularly on here, and the forum doesn’t seem as cliquey or sterile as I had chosen to remember it. I suppose time will tell whether the never ending arguments will start again, but for now, for me at least, the forum is a welcome distraction from chronic pain and worries about my future prospects.
While my original couple of U31 and variations of that username may have had multiple bans after one particular mod royally pissed me off, (Barnsley mitch, nail on the head, overmoderation at that time, it would have been 5 or 6 year back) I came back with this version of the name about a year after the ban, when Ali (Gryphon) approached me in the real world to give someone on here advice about DJ equipment
As flattering as it is to be thought of as whomever, if you know me in real life, you’ll know my opinions are my own and I don’t hide them in any way shape or form
Cheers Cougar. To clarify, my comment about over moderation was simply my opinion / perception at that time. As I said, with hindsight and a fresh outlook, what seemed important to me then isn’t that important now. Life’s too short to get wound up about the small stuff isn’t it?
It wasn’t just your experience mitch, I got in to multiple boiling arguments with mods over moderation, were in the end I took it as a personal challenge to see how quickly I could get them to wield the ban hammer, until I got bored with that and real life took over
I’ve never had an issue with the moderation on here, but I tend not to stray into the controversial topics where it’s most prevalent. I use a couple of other forums which are utterly ridiculous. On telling someone to “suck it up” I was told that wasn’t appropriate language for a family friendly forum. I feel like directing them to Mumsnet.
I was a way more argumentative person back then, Njee, as others have said above, real life experiences have a tendency to chill your outlook on life and settle on what’s important.
That aint saying I can’t still have me more facetious moments, mind…
Seems he’s serving a momentary ban (and not creating an alternative login, fair play).
It would be kind of hard for him to post his usual shit stuff without making it blindingly obvious who he was. Unless I’ve missed his more sane work – like others have said, not somebody I’m missing, amusing for a short while before just becoming irritating (I’m sure some people think the same about me).