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  • £500k for 17 minutes – Post traumatic stress payout !!
  • Woody
    Free Member

    Lots of implications for my job and apologies for the link………. but really?

    Daily Mail content

    Free Member

    What’s the Latin for “get the **** out of my courtroom”?

    Free Member

    Come back with an actual real factual article before posting that shit in here!! Second source or it all bollocks frankly.

    Free Member

    ok Mr Smith
    and again

    If you are that anal, get the full transcript of the judgement from the court yourself. I’d be interested in reading it next time I have insomnia.

    Full Member

    I just don’t get it as I don’t seen why being 17 mins late would make any difference?

    Free Member

    I blame Drac. Idle bugger.

    Free Member

    If you are that anal, get the full transcript of the judgement from the court yourself. I’d be interested in reading it next time I have insomnia.

    Yeah, God, I don’t want to know the facts of what I’m whining about, I just want to post Daily Mail links. 🙄

    Full Member

    I blame Drac. Idle bugger.

    too busy chatting on forums from what I hear…..


    Full Member

    The former exhibitions manager at the Natural History Museum said she was medically retired from her job after the incident and financial pressures forced her to move to South Wales.

    She’s got a point, tbh.

    Free Member

    Come back with an actual real factual article before posting that shit in here!! Second source or it all bollocks frankly

    You want to check out this Google thing the kids are all talking about…

    Anyway, here is another link.


    Free Member

    If you are that anal,

    No I just have a very healthy distrust of anything published on the mails website pretending to be news. The Telegraph suggested she had PTSD and suffered an attack during giving evidence via video link, if thats not the case then she is lying and putting it on.

    It sounds like it was a traumatic experience for someone who’s most traumatic experience to date was having to go to Sainsburys instead of waitrose but still has some form of PTSD. I guess it depends how you view that effectg on life.

    Free Member

    Some people appear to be letting their dislike of The Daily Wail affect their judgement 😉

    Free Member

    How do you define 17 minutes ‘late’?

    Thankfully have only had to call an ambulance a couple of times, but I don’t remember being given a guaranteed arrival time.

    Awful as I’m sure it was, I’d also assume it’s not a life threatening situation and therefore at risk of being bumped down the priority list as other calls come in? Or is that not how it works (genuine question)

    Full Member

    Well I have no real comment to make on such matters other then I know what I did yesterday, again finishing late and being out the house for 15 hours. I was late to make sure the patient I attended last got the best of care I could offer.

    Full Member

    How do you define 17 minutes ‘late’?

    Response targets.

    Full Member

    If you look at just the headline of “£500k for 17 minutes delay” then you will most likely draw only one conclusion, but she must have demonstrated to the judge that what happened that day caused such upheaval in her life that he judged in her favour.

    Free Member

    The Telegraph suggested she had PTSD and suffered an attack during giving evidence via video link, if thats not the case then she is lying and putting it on.

    What an amazing coincidence, she suffered an ‘attack’ while on a video link to the court 🙄

    Free Member

    Oh dear, I’ve had a sympathy fail.


    What the hell?

    Her knee gave way.

    You know, while I can believe it bloody hurt, nobody planted an IED which removed her legs, she was not kidnapped by insurgents, nor was she single handedly responsible for the accidental death of a busload of fluffy bunnies.

    I believe the correct response from court should have been to f right off on the horse you rode in on.

    Free Member

    Some people appear to be letting their dislike of The Daily Wail affect their judgement

    As I said not dislike but complete mistrust in their ability to report facts without twisting it to an agenda or making stuff up.

    If your going to post a link please look for the one that doesn’t scream link to me link to me so people click this linkbait

    Free Member

    How could a person given the task of making rational and considered judgements award such an amount for what is in reality nothing.

    I have served with Soldiers who have had real life changing injuries in the line of duty and seen payments 100 times less than that.

    Free Member

    I’m just lazy I suppose as most of the others are from the same agency report 🙄

    Full Member

    Some people are way too delicate for their own (and it appears our) good. To suffer that much long term effect (presuming that it is genuine) from an extra 17 mins of waiting…….. geesh.

    Just imagine if she had suffered the same injury whilst up a hill in the wilds somewhere or been involved in a proper smash that took a while to extradite her from.

    Yes, I’m sure the ambulance should have made it there sooner, but that must have been a very difficult cheque to write without thinking how much better use the cash could have gone to.

    Free Member

    Some people are way too delicate for their own (and it appears our) good. To suffer that much long term effect (presuming that it is genuine) from an extra 17 mins of waiting…….. geesh.

    Just imagine if she had suffered the same injury whilst up a hill in the wilds somewhere or been involved in a proper smash that took a whilst to extradite her from.

    Yes, I’m sure the ambulance should have made it there sooner, but that must have been a very difficult cheque to write without thinking how much better use the cash could have gone to.


    Free Member

    PTSD is a real thing, and MTFU is not a cure for it.

    Two reasons why she has won, and won big:

    1 the “thin skull rule”. If you hurt someone, and they are unexpectedly soft through no fault of their own, you don’t get to blame them for that. Perhaps most people wouldn’t develop PTSD through waiting for an ambulance. Too bad. She did, and the service had admitted it was at fault.

    2 People are compensated for their losses. Much of this will be because she could no longer do a well-paying job as a result of her PTSD. If she had been on minimum wage the bill would have been considerably less.

    Free Member

    If I ever feel the need to suffer a mental illness I’ll be sure to run it past STW first to make sure that I’m worthy.

    The headlines do seem extraordinary but I’m not sure how everyone’s come to the conclusion that she’s a whinging slacker looking for a handout…

    /plastic liberal

    Full Member

    BigDummy +1

    If I push an old woman down the stairs I can’t say “It’s not my fault you broke your hip. It’s your fault for having brittle bones”


    I have served with Soldiers who have had real life changing injuries in the line of duty and seen payments 100 times less than that.

    ‘The nightmares occur nightly, breaking her sleep pattern and leaving her exhausted

    ‘The dissociative seizures unexpectedly cause her body to go numb and she collapses. She suffers a collapse most days.

    ‘She remains conscious but feels nothing and is unable to move or speak.

    ‘She is unable to travel outside on her own. She is largely housebound. When she goes outside with a family member, she may suddenly collapse in the street.

    The judge said he had no hesitation in accepting that Mrs Leigh’s injury was severe as all aspects of her life were badly affected and additional therapy was expected to make only a minimal improvement

    If that doesn’t count as ‘life changing’ then I don’t know what does.

    Free Member

    How did the Ambulance Service hurt her? By not meeting a target to reach her by 17 mins? I assume that the person bleeding out or having a Heart attack might have a case in that instance but a sore knee FFS.

    I am sure London Transport or even the restaurant that served her lunch that day have more of a case to answer. Stinks so badly. There has to be more than is being reported.

    Full Member

    Mr Justice Globe said he was satisfied that the seizures were part of the PTSD she had been diagnosed with.

    He added: “There are innumerable variables in the circumstances that will give rise to development of such a disorder and in the people who are likely to suffer it.”

    So she’s predisposed to it, anything could’ve brought it on and due so happens she had an incident on a bus that triggered it. I’d say that’s nothing more than unfortunate. A traumatic incident will always be subjective but there must be some measure such as ‘fear for life’ which this clearly wasn’t. Lightweight.

    Full Member

    There has to be more than is being reported.

    You mean like an expert medical witness’ statement?

    Full Member

    Not disputing the PTSD, just the allocation of blame.

    How do they prove that the 17mins late caused the PTSD?

    If the ambulance took 35mins (or whatever the target time) and she still got PTSD she’d get nothing. But an additional 17mins delay gets £500k?

    Also the ambulance service weren’t in anyway responsible for the actual incident which must be the root cause of the PTSD….

    Free Member

    She’s got a point, tbh.

    Oi Spanner she will like a king in the valleys on that kind of pay out 😆

    That pay out is just a joke.

    Full Member


    Just such a patronising little paragraph from the London-centric media.

    Full Member

    If the ambulance took 35mins (or whatever the target time) and she still got PTSD she’d get nothing. But an additional 17mins delay gets £500k?

    Some kind of “man on the Clapham Omnibus” test? I guess it’ll have gone down as expecting an ambulance within half an hour is reasonable whereas having to wait 50 minutes is unreasonable, and all the while she’s stuck between the seats with her kneecap round her ankle, in what I imagine is quite considerable pain, wondering if anyone’s coming to help.

    Also, from the BBC article:

    London Ambulance Service admitted there was a negligent delay of 17 minutes.

    The word “negligent” will have featured heavily in the judge’s musings.

    Free Member

    I have dodgy knees, I once in hospital for 3 days longer than expected because during my routine arthroscopy the surgeon decided to do a bi-lateral release. And one of the meals was lasagne…covered in gravy.


    Full Member

    A traumatic incident will always be subjective but there must be some measure such as ‘fear for life’ which this clearly wasn’t.

    In light of what I’ve just read I’m rephrasing that to ‘fear for life or being fed lasagne covered in gravy’. Shocking.

    Free Member

    So she had to give up her job, the ambulance service admitted they were late, and an expert medical witness said she’s not lying.

    A large payout seems reasonable to me.

    Full Member

    So she had to give up her job, the ambulance service admitted they were late, and an expert medical witness said she’s not lying.

    A large payout seems reasonable to me.

    Has she been run over by an ambulance they yes, but the ambulance service were in no way responsible for the original injury and associated pain. What they seem to be saying is that being in pain for 35 mins is fine, but for 52 mins is worth £500k?

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Has she been run over by an ambulance they yes, but the ambulance service were in no way responsible for the original injury and associated pain. What they seem to be saying is that being in pain for 35 mins is fine, but for 52 mins is worth £500k?

    That’s what the court, having heard all of the evidence, decided.

    Full Member

    That’s what the court, having heard all of the evidence, decided.

    Wow, you can read. Congrats.

    Still doesn’t make any sense to me…..

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