I thought this would be about an exciting new sports car, from a legendary marque. 😳
No, it’s about a vulgar ego-chariot marketed at insecure people who need to feel somehow elevated from the common herd, yet can’t afford the ‘real deal’. It’s a glorified Audi ffs. 😆
The Chelsea Tractor is the evolution of the fact that some overprivileged matriarch, unable to ride horses any longer, yet still wanting to follow the local hunt etc, didn’t want to travel in a dirty old Land Rover, and insisted on something more in keeping with their overinflated sense of their own importance. Hence the development of the first Range Rovers (the more traditional shooting brakes were shit at getting around muddy fields). It gives the owner the illusion of status, without them actually needing any. They appeal to the insecure, because of the way they can substitute for inadequacies of character.
How interesting that such a pointless bauble is owned by a certain poster on this forum. 😆
A neighbour of ours, who is currently doing up an old LWB Landy with a view to offroading it round Iceland, sees Chelsea Tractors as ‘dick enlargements’ for the not so well endowed. A perfect summary, imo.