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  • Podium girls
  • kerley
    Free Member

    It’s weird how some aspects of sexism just seemed to have passed people by completely. Not even a comprehension of it.

    Agree. I don’t even understand why this topic should need to be debated in 2017.

    Free Member

    I don’t even understand why this topic should need to be debated in 2017.

    It does though – because of the times- because the internet has changed views so much since the 80s!
    I’ve just texted my girlfriend on the subject and she has no problem with podium girls/paddock girls etc. Member of the labour party, incidentally, has 2 daughters. Views are not what I expected. It’s interesting (hence 13 pages!)

    Free Member

    In a position to judge or on stw?

    Both, but mostly the latter!

    Free Member

    I’ve just texted my girlfriend on the subject and she has no problem with podium girls/paddock girls etc. Member of the labour party, incidentally, has 2 daughters. Views are not what I expected.

    It’s interesting, my wife is the same. Yet, my views come from other women who I’ve spoken to who appear to have different (or should that be more radical) views. Listening to the female perspective is something that should be a given.

    Bizarrely, (or maybe even ironically) I only really started hearing about the feminist side of things after helping out with the Tour Series in Woking in 2009/2010, back then the podium girls caused a bit of debate too. I was pretty ambivalent about it then.

    Free Member

    Asked my wife (and mother of my daughter) – she said she sees nothing wrong with podium girls, Grid girls etc, but DOES have a problem with the reality TV types being role models to modern girls, who are (her words) “empty headed shallow tramps who thrive on creating drama and have no control”!!

    Free Member

    If I were to ask my MRs she would roll her eyes and ask what those **** on the forum were saying now

    Free Member

    imagine how much news a black female Dr who would be

    ??? I’d better ask my GP then ….

    Weirdly you just made me think of her in those terms… previously she was just my GP… now she’s a black-female GP…

    It’s interesting, my wife is the same. Yet, my views come from other women who I’ve spoken to who appear to have different (or should that be more radical) views. Listening to the female perspective is something that should be a given.

    yet plenty of females don’t share that perspective… are they to be forced or does their opinion not count?

    I only really started hearing about the feminist side of things after helping out with the Tour Series in Woking in 2009/2010

    Weirdly I just thought that British Cycling’s female perspective is way way deeper ingrained due to an event in Woking…

    No-one told a diminutive under 8 she was competing in the girls so she trashed all the boys from the 3 local clubs… (and I mean trashed some of them are 1-2 yrs older and much much bigger and her TT was way faster)

    I have heard similar before at other races and not really thought about it… such and such won the girls and incidentally also had the fastest time of everyone… in this case though it wasn’t even pointed out she had beaten all the male club riders or more accurately had the fastest time of all club riders*.

    What message is that giving young girls?

    *Sorta Disclaimer it was an open event in our town and Jnr didn’t have any other races that day so turned up anyway just for fun but since we are not part of a GoRide club he’s not counted as “club rider”

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