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  • Please explain
  • SaxonRider
    Free Member

    What sort of human being goes to the toilet, and leaves WITHOUT WASHING THEIR HANDS?!?

    I just came back to my office after visiting the staff facilities, and I can’t believe some people. I mean, you spend a few minutes in a public cubicle making walrus noises, then just leave?


    I shall await the resultant Hep A outbreak.

    Free Member

    Maybe they’ve learnt to pee/poop without getting it all over their hands?

    I know I have.

    Still wash them though, just to appease the moaners …


    Free Member

    Aye, gross.

    Not only spreading their own shite & germs on to everything they touch but those of others.

    Free Member

    Sounds like you need some rules…

    Free Member

    Oh great! Thanks TSY. That’s the rest of the morning taken with watching LoG clips. 🙂

    Free Member

    I know a few people round my office that I wouldn’t shake hands with.

    Full Member

    But if you wash your hands how can you properly deploy a stink palm?

    Full Member

    I’m guessing you used the same doorhandle as this person to exit the facilities? The question is, why did you bother washing your hands?

    Free Member

    I’m guessing you used the same doorhandle as this person to exit the facilities? The question is, why did you bother washing your hands?

    Don’t forget the taps which you turn on with “dirty” hands, then handle again when you turn them off with your nice clean hands.

    Free Member

    Anyone else witness people going straight from the urinals to the hand driers? Seen this a couple of times… Then learned to leave the bogs by prying the door open around the frame…

    Full Member

    Does that include having a wee? I tend to drink lots of water so have to wee a lot, as a result I can’t be bothered to wash my hands every time I go to to the loo. If I did I suspect I’d probably have no skin left on my hands.

    Full Member

    Have you thought about getting a bag fitted?

    Free Member

    wee is sterile

    Free Member

    I can’t be bothered to wash my hands every time I go to to the loo

    All you really needed to post there. thing is this is a prevailing tendancy, hence the story about the peanuts in a pub. Dirty mingers are out their, touching things, right now. Its best just not to the think about it. Especially when buying fruit and a veg…

    Free Member

    @anjs, only at a certain concentration of urea, and only the moment it is produced, then it breaks down and gets funky (not in a good James Brown kind of way)

    Full Member

    Don’t forget the taps which you turn on with “dirty” hands, then handle again when you turn them off with your nice clean hands.

    Use your elbows, surgeon-styley. Same with hand drier and door handles.
    Failing that, pick a “dirty finger” (i.e. pinky of left hand) and use that.

    Yes it is a bit OCD, but I tend to put my hands in my mouth a lot when I’m thinking. The prospect of consuming germs from other people’s poo is not a pleasant one!

    Full Member

    All you really needed to post there

    Well it’s not like I wee all over my hands, I’ve been able to avoid that for some years now.

    Dirty mingers are out their, touching things, right now

    Best to not leave the house at all then, and keep everything immaculately clean – the world is a dirty place!

    Free Member

    mean, you spend a few minutes in a public cubicle making walrus noises, then just leave?

    He probably wasn’t doing what you think he was doing…

    Free Member

    Well it’s not like I wee all over my hands, I’ve been able to avoid that for some years now

    Not so worried about the wee, more your handling of your sweaty junk which has been festering under a couple of layers of clothing for hours!

    Free Member

    As johnners said, I neither want the wazz or the crabs from someone’s business end around me.

    Even just a rinse after a leak helps. Otherwise it’s like rubbing your chap over everything you touch afterwards.

    I like to catch an open door on the way out, trying to handle it by the outside surface. Or the ‘dirty finger’ as suggested.

    Ignorance is bliss lest the CDO take over (OCD in alphabetical order).

    Free Member

    Well, every time you smell someone else’s fart, you’re breathing in tiny particles of his or her poo-dust. Eh? Remember that!

    Free Member

    I lived in the north of Italy for a while. Very unusual using public toilets there (even in bars etc).

    No handles on the doors, they swing both ways, so you can use your feet to push open.

    A “sit down” type toilet wasn’t common, usually it was a hole in the floor type cubicle – again, no hands required.

    There were no handles on the taps, it was usually floor operated or sometimes long levers that you used with your forearms.

    I used to think it was all a bit odd and rustic…until I got back home and realised how many surfaces I had to touch just to use a public bathroom. It was quite possible to go to the bathroom in Italy and not touch anything other than yourself 🙂 They also have hygiene police who carry guns and can wander into establishments whenever they please and summarily close their doors.

    I’m sure many of us have had a good wash in grotty public toilets, only to be confronted with a minging door on the way out that you know has been used by loads of people who couldn’t be bothered to wash their hands after doing a nice big jobbie 🙂

    Free Member

    Otherwise it’s like rubbing your chap over everything you touch afterwards.


    Full Member

    Full Member

    Otherwise it’s like rubbing your chap over everything you touch afterwards.

    Isn’t that what the curtains are put there for?

    Free Member

    serious question – do all you bacteriophobes get ill often..?
    Do you have immune systems..?

    Have you ever been on a drunken pub crawl, or to a music festival..? or wild camped for any length of time..?

    I’m not being facetious, I just have very few qualms about the issue and wonder what life must be like for you guys..

    Full Member

    Not so worried about the wee, more your handling of your sweaty junk which has been festering under a couple of layers of clothing for hours!

    Well, I shower every morning and after any exercise, and work in an office so don’t think I get sweaty. I also wear clean pants.

    If my chap is clean, not sweaty, and I don’t wee all over my hands, how is going to the toilet any different to scratching my chin or rubbing my hands through my hair? I just looked across the office and saw someone with a finger up his nose, I’ll bet he doesn’t go and wash his hands.

    After a poo I can understand, but let’s not get carried away. There’s plenty of other stuff to wrinkle your nose at.

    Free Member

    I’m not being facetious, I just have very few qualms about the issue and wonder what life must be like for you guys..

    It doesn’t change how i live my life, I’m just assuming that if you offered me a buscuit and I rubbed my todger over the packet you’d be a bit put out, but if i’ve been to the bog and not washed my hands, and fondle your buscuits you’re ok with it, as you don’t explicitly know about it.

    Full Member

    yunki +1

    And this on a mountain bike forum where we spend hours riding through mud! No doubt the occasional dog egg also.

    Full Member

    I remember Street Boy (on Kiss FM) doing a sketch on this about 10 years ago. He used to loiter inside the men’s toilets at London stations, spot someone not washing their hands, then follow them out and announce to everyone “This bloke just went to the toilet and didn’t wash his hands”. Was quite funny back in the day.

    Free Member

    I’m not being facetious, I just have very few qualms about the issue and wonder what life must be like for you guys..

    I’m certainly no bateriophobe, but to have a crap, wipe your bum, wander straight past the soap and water to go eat your sandwich is a bit rank.

    It’s got nothing to do with a fear of bacteria, more to do with the way I was brought up (the dirty kids at my school were bullied 🙁 )

    Do you spit in the street too?

    Free Member

    If my chap is clean, not sweaty, and I don’t wee all over my hands, how is going to the toilet any different to scratching my chin or rubbing my hands through my hair? I just looked across the office and saw someone with a finger up his nose, I’ll bet he doesn’t go and wash his hands.

    If you can’t muster enough power to be certain of no sprayback onto your hands, it’s time to get the doctor to stick a finger up your bum.

    Full Member

    If you can’t muster enough power to be certain of no sprayback onto your hands, it’s time to get the doctor to stick a finger up your bum.

    Toilets at work are all cubicles so no spray back. Anything else?

    Edit to ask: When you use a urinal do you immediately (well, after washing your hands of course) go to the launderette and wash your trousers? What if you splashed them and then accidentally touched your trousers with your hand? The world might end!

    Full Member

    Do you spit in the street too?

    Do you carry a packet of wet wipes just in case you can feel a germ attach itself to you?

    Honestly people – the world is full of germs and bacteria, without them we might not even be here.

    Free Member

    How on earth did we ever evolve as a species without en suite hand wash facilities in trees and caves?

    It’s a bit of poo and wee, get over yourselves.

    Full Member

    I saw a program once where they analysed your typical drivers area in your typical car. On the steering wheel alone they found traces of wee, poo, bogey, blood, semen, the list goes on.

    Free Member

    …and how on earth do you people cope with oral sex?

    Listerine douche?

    Domestos mouthwash?

    Free Member

    …and how on earth do you people cope with oral sex?

    I find a bit of vinegar helps to balance the saltiness.

    Full Member

    …and how on earth do you people cope with oral sex?

    Together 8 years in July and with 2 kids. I’d like the opportunity to try to cope with oral sex!

    Free Member

    Do you carry a packet of wet wipes just in case you can feel a germ attach itself to you?

    Honestly people – the world is full of germs and bacteria, without them we might not even be here.

    Nope, that’s just silly.

    Apologies, it must just be a difference in the way we were brought up, I was always taught that it’s better to wash your hands after you’ve had a poo. It’s sort of stayed with me as an adult. Can’t believe I’m still doing it after all these years…I mean, how crazy am I? Spending vital seconds to wash my hands after I’ve been rubbing crap off my bum.

    Clearly, I now understand the benefits of keeping those important germs and bacteria which are released with my faeces, I totally see the benefit of them on my sandwiches. I mean, where would we be without having bits of faeces on our hands? I’m amazed i’ve made it this far in life with my silly quirks, like spending a few seconds washing my hands every now and then.

    I might stop showering in the morning too, since there’s no point, it’s only a bit of BO.

    Do the “I don’t care if I’ve got crap under my fingernails” brigade not understand that people might have a reason for washing after the toilet other than being afraid of bacteria? The same reason people shower in the morning? Just ensuring a degree of cleanliness?

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