Do you carry a packet of wet wipes just in case you can feel a germ attach itself to you?
Honestly people – the world is full of germs and bacteria, without them we might not even be here.
Nope, that’s just silly.
Apologies, it must just be a difference in the way we were brought up, I was always taught that it’s better to wash your hands after you’ve had a poo. It’s sort of stayed with me as an adult. Can’t believe I’m still doing it after all these years…I mean, how crazy am I? Spending vital seconds to wash my hands after I’ve been rubbing crap off my bum.
Clearly, I now understand the benefits of keeping those important germs and bacteria which are released with my faeces, I totally see the benefit of them on my sandwiches. I mean, where would we be without having bits of faeces on our hands? I’m amazed i’ve made it this far in life with my silly quirks, like spending a few seconds washing my hands every now and then.
I might stop showering in the morning too, since there’s no point, it’s only a bit of BO.
Do the “I don’t care if I’ve got crap under my fingernails” brigade not understand that people might have a reason for washing after the toilet other than being afraid of bacteria? The same reason people shower in the morning? Just ensuring a degree of cleanliness?