Home Forums Chat Forum Plastering advice – skimming up to a cupboard frame

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  • Plastering advice – skimming up to a cupboard frame
  • Oggles
    Free Member

    I’ve built this wardrobe and the last thing left to do is skim the plasterboard.

    The door frame (white) is 18mm ply lipped with 6mm of hardwood. It’s currently sat proud of the plasterboard by 5-6mm as I didn’t really want it flush when skimmed.

    Is this edge good to skim up to, or is it likely to crack over time with the doors opening/closing? Would it be worth butting a thin coat stop bead up to each edge and skim over to add a bit of rigidity? Or leave a small gap between the frame and the skim bead, then fill with caulk?


    Full Member

    It’s what architrave was made for… you could use something with a flat profile if you want a clean look.

    Free Member

    Skim and cualk to start with. If you get cracking later on then arcitrive it.

    Free Member

    Thanks both. I was trying to avoid architrave in the design but a square profile would be sympathetic to the look I’m going for.

    I’ll see how the skim plus sealant holds up first.

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