Third ride post covid and I think I’m past the worst. New bike is seriously fast. Managed to get a pr on my fave local descent. Great to be back out there. Although I found some trail sabotage on a cheeky section. Only the third time I’ve ridden it so I’ll probably not bother again if people get that upset about it! Generally I avoid cheeky stuff so I can live without it.
gorgeous out there today. Clarity of air, just right combination of heat and breeze, and smells of pine forest and sounds of bird song to assault all the senses. If I could bottle it up and sell it I would be a very rich man…
A little panorama from my descent. If you look closely in the far distance at about 11 o’clock you can just see me house 🙂
Another dawn start for us. Wandered out to the Peak, parked up at Fox House and went for a play in Blacca Woods and back via Houndskirk Moor. Apart from a couple of joggers we saw no one. Sun was up but a cool breeze made it chapel hat peg weather.
Thanks for the compliment 😉. I have two. We should have been going here on our next trip in a couple of weeks to Lake Garda and the Italian Alps but we pulled the plug on it last night
Will be happy if when we can get off somewhere in the camper
Old fashioned XC ride today on some inappropriate bikes. Clee Hill in the haze. by multispeedstu[/url], on Flickr Faded. by multispeedstu[/url], on Flickr
Bone dry blast out into the Dales this morning. 31052-2
followed by a stop-off at Bowland Knott for a sandwich and coke with the missus. From there it looked like a large chunk of Lancashire is on fire again (at least two large fires visible from there), presumably thanks to idiots with BBQs.
Didn’t actually ride anywhere today, well if you exclude a bit of trackstand/endo turn practice on the patio, but found an hour to catch up with a bit of bike maintainance on my old fathful Zesty. Couple of new bearings, new gearcable, cleaned / bled the brakes and even found time to give her a quick wash, and she still scrubs up ok for an 8yo bike 🙂
First food not from our kitchen since lockdown started and, goodness, it was delicious… and as I’d ridden into St Andrews I could have a beer with it! 🙂