Given the utter bell-endery presently on display in this country, I reckon the supermarket shelves on the run up to Christmas will be looking like Russia circa 1982
Not in as many terms, but they were talking about this on Radio 4 when I nipped out for lunch earlier. Interviews with farmers. A huge tomato farmer I think in Scotland, talking about having to throw away “hundreds of football fields” worth of produce because they have no-one to pick them or deliver them. A caller asked “well, why don’t you improve pay and recruit locally?” and he replied that higher wages would mean higher end costs for the consumer, and that he’d tried to recruit locally and no-one would do it.
Same story with other farmers. Enjoy strawberries whilst you can. Predictions for Christmas is there’s likely to be a huge shortage of seasonal veg. So we’ll likely see panic buying and end the year with the Great Sprout Crisis.
Still. Freedom, sovereignty, democracy, blue passports. We won you lost get over it, we knew what we were voting for, our children starving to death is a small price to pay. Project fear, commemorative 50p that’s worth about 27p. Coming over here doing jobs we don’t want. The Queen Mum, or something, I’ve lost track.