The queen hiding in the back of the drop ship is something that really annoys me, as does the lack of occupant-frying EMP from the x megatonne fusion explosion of the atmosphere processing plant.
Bishop’s hand-blurringly fast knife trick jars a bit too, even if he is an artificial person, his muscles are likely to conform to similar rules as ours and that would make that tricky pretty near impossible at that speed.
The big one though is the number of aliens on the planet.
What’s the issue with the Queen, sorry?
EMP – I’d expect military spacecraft to have serious shielding, and buildings to be similarly shielded because, well, reactor.
Bishop’s trick – even he struggled, he missed at the end. But there’s no indication of any such physical restriction; if they’d established earlier that there was then I’d agree. Wasn’t Ash stronger than normal humans, or am I misremembering?
Aliens and numbers – never really stopped to think about that. I’ll get back to you on that.
Must resist…..nnnnnngggggggggggggggarrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh……..
It’s primarily an action movie. It’s very tonally different to the first film, which was a suspense horror / sci-fi outing. Aliens isn’t horror, it’s about a bunch of meatheads with big guns.