I think people have been becoming woke for decades, probably longer, it’s only the phrase that is new.
I don’t think there’s any greats mysteries to the world.
It’s simple really, we’re born and know jack shit, our parents lie to us and hide the horrible truth of it all until we’re old enough to handle it.
Finally we learn the terrible truth, there’s no magic in the world, no Fairies, no Father Christmas, but worse still, it’s not very fair. We can’t be anything we want to be, you might grow up thinking “yeah< I was born in a Council House, but I’m going to live in a Mansion when I grow up” but eventually you come to realise that you won’t, yeah a few will, but that 0.01% of the global population that does only can to let the rest of us think it’s possible.
Some spend the next few years screaming from the virtual rooftops “THE WORLD ISN’T FAIR!!”
Some other younger people say “wow, you’re right, we’re getting **** here”.
But most people who’ve been around the block more than once, nod along sagely, sadly they’ve know real truth.
The world isn’t fair, but worse than that, you can’t change it, accept you fate and make the best of it.