Home Forums Chat Forum PC geeks ..What is ” an unhandled exception ” in simple English ?

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  • PC geeks ..What is ” an unhandled exception ” in simple English ?
  • kaiser
    Free Member

    hope someone can help . basically got a friend in France keeps getting the following message come up on her laptop and has asked me/my partner(who is also French) to translate it so she can understand. Most of it is very straightforward but some parts I don’t understand hence the cry for a plain english explanation to translate:

    Unhandled exeption has occurred in your application.If you click Continue,the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue.If you click Quit,the application will close immediately.
    Cannot control AcerMemUsageCheckService

    thanks in advance
    PS is it likely to indicate serious problems somewhere ?

    Free Member

    what application did she run to get that error?

    the error also mentions acer? so guess shes on an acer laptop?
    i dont know the problem but if i had to guess i’d say something has been installed or updated that is not compatible with your acer laptops drivers or pre-installed software and should be removed.
    If possible try to remember when the error first occurred, did she update something or install a new application?

    Full Member

    An “unhandled exception” simply means (I think) that an error occurred in the programme for which the programmer did not provide a way for the programme to end in a clean way, so it just crashes. It’s just a general error message.

    Not much help 🙁

    Free Member

    Yeah, programmer not doing his job properly.

    Unhandled exception = could be bloody anything.

    Free Member

    Loads of info here 😉

    1st place you should look tbh

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