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  • PAYG phones. Do they get disconnected if not used for months ?
  • I’m organising a trailquest soon (Wyre Forest on December 5th, since you ask) and all the Control Point marker boards that are left tied to telegraph poles and fences during the event need to have a contact number on them.

    There’s at least two different organisers sharing the same boards, so to avoid having to keep crossing out and writing a new phone number on each time, and because some people don’t like to have their phone number publicised, I have bought a cheap PAYG phone that can stay with the boards.

    I had to put £10 credit on the phone and I asked the girl in the shop if it lasted forever and meant I could send one text today and another one in a years time and she said yes, although not in a very convincing way.

    I have heard elsewhere that if a PAYG phone doesn’t get used for a few months, the phone company disconnects it.

    Is that true ?
    Will I have to send a text once a month to keep the number active ?
    It’s on Virgin, if that makes a difference.

    Free Member

    I have a PayGo sim on vodaphpne. Only use it for a fortnight once a year when we’re on holiday. Never had a problem.

    Free Member

    it will be in the T&Cs that came with the phone.

    Free Member

    What CK said – I know Vodafone cut you off after a set time, 3 or 6 months IIRC.

    Free Member

    I have an an old PAYG phone that’s had a Virgin SIM in it for 3 years, I topped it up with £20 when I got it & it still works OK [& has £18.60 left]

    Thanks for the replies, even tough two of them contradict each other. 😕

    I guess I’ll have to read the T&Cs then.

    Edit because of cross posting with uplink.
    Thanks, looks like I should be OK then.

    Free Member

    I’d be a bit careful – I have a PAYG with Orange and it got cut-off last year causing quite a lot of hassle. In my T&C it says it gets cut-off after 6 months, and I had definately used it 2 months previously. Orange tried to argue with me that I hadn’t and that they had already given the number to someone else. I had to stand in the shop for 4 hours but it did get sorted out eventually… I send a text every 2 months or so just to keep it “active”.

    I just read the T&Cs, as a supplement to asking on STW, and I’ve got to make a call or send a text within 180 days.

    Free Member

    I’ve got to make a call or send a text within 180 days.

    Is that within 180 days of registering the phone? Or is it every 180 days?

    *I’ll add to my first post that the phone is always kept topped up by at least £10. It is quite an old SIM (>5 years) so maybe the T&C’s have changed now they give SIMS away for next to nothing.

    Free Member

    i had an orange pay as you go and just used it when i didnt want to take my good phone. tried to use it a week ago and its cut off, contacted orange and they said they get cut off if not used for 6 weeks

    I should have made that clearer.
    I need to use the phone to make a chargeable call or send a text at least once within any 180 day period.

    Full Member

    Leigh – 6 months surely?

    Free Member

    I need to use the phone to make a chargeable call or send a text at least once within any 180 day period.

    Yeah, maybe I’ve done that – I’ve used £1.40 somewhere I guess

    Free Member

    We have one sat in the draw that was last used in october 2009, i’ve just tried it now and it worked fine.

    Full Member

    They have to re-allocate the number eventually otherwise they’ll run out

    Free Member

    I have used pay as you go phones with vodafone and orange both, and i guess i had always complete my contract period but had never check the balance, lol

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