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  • Pavement cycling.
  • donks
    Free Member

    Im sorry but a kicked and damaged back wheel deserves an owning, pavement or not. Anyway whats all the fuss about riding on the pavement…i mean really? I dont usually ride the pavement but today due to the crappy slush on the road i did a bit of pavement which was still nice and crisp so my arse stayed dry.

    Free Member

    Well I think the point is it’s not allowed and some pedestrians don’t like it. I don’t think smashing someone’s bike is an appropriate response to it, but try as you might, the OP riding on the footpath is still not allowed.

    You not seeing what’s wrong with it doesn’t justify it any more than when people are stopped for speeding despite the fact they know the limit and choose to drive over it.

    Free Member

    I ride pavements but stop for red lights….where does that place me on the ladder of wrongness?

    Free Member

    I expect we are all pedestrians from time to time, like most of us are also car drivers. Don’t get stuck in your cycling heads.

    Free Member

    I got a bottle of coke thrown at me by a car driver for not cycling on the pavement a couple of weeks back. Damned either way!

    Full Member

    I ride pavements but stop for red lights….where does that place me on the ladder of wrongness?

    You have red lights on pavements round your way?

    Bad news Woppit, well out of order on the back wheel. CCTV?

    Free Member

    There are bits on my commute where I have no problem using the pavement especially on the busy sections of road where it’s either pavement or death by lorry or bus.

    I know it’s illegal but I’m more interested in staying alive.

    Mr Woppit, it’s awful that he kicked your wheel. I suppose you should be grateful that he didn’t attack you.

    Free Member

    Maybe he knew you

    MrNutt – Member
    and may my God help you if we ever do meet.

    Full Member

    I was walking on a pavement on Sunday, with a row of trees between me and the road, hedge the other side, narrow path. Very snowy and slippy. I had baby in chest-carrier thing.

    Guy on a mountain bike came up form behind and squeezed through a gap that wasn’t there, no warning, no “excuse me please”, just barged through.

    I pointed out that firstly he shouldn’t be on the pavement, secondly, the road was clear of ice and snow and would be quicker and safer for him anyway. He gave me the middle finger. Charming.

    He seemed to be a proper mountain biker too, judging by the clothing and bike. Shame really.

    Free Member

    Three spokes gone, otherwise, O.K. Could have been much worse/expensive. No idea why I decided to cycle on the inside of that particular bit of pavement instead of the outside between the trees and the road…

    Taxi to the station and Cycleworks in the morning.

    Ah well. C’est la vie.

    He may well have been Nutt. He did seem to exude a remarkably similar air of mindless violence and threat…

    Free Member

    MrNutt is a long-haired gui-tar strumming hippy…….so I doubt it.

    Free Member

    That must have been a hell of a kick to break spokes on a brommy wheel. They’re like little tank wheels.

    Free Member

    He may well have been Nutt. He did seem to exude a remarkably similar air of mindless violence and threat…

    Ha ha! 😆

    You’ve never actually met MrNutt, have you? Where d’you get this idea Nutt’s a violent psycho from??? 😯

    The bloke was out of order to kick yer wheel, I must say. A verbal rant would’ve been fair enough. Physical violence is a bit much, but you’ve gotta watch out; you don’t know what else has pissed someone off, or whether this bloke has had to deal with other inconsiderate selfish cyclists in the past. Best be careful in future, use another route. At least you admit yer own failings though. It’s a start.

    Doesn’t sound like someone possessed of Christian Forgiveness, I have to say.

    Free Member

    bassspine – Member
    That must have been a hell of a kick to break spokes on a brommy wheel. They’re like little tank wheels

    Indeed it was, but better the Brommo than me…

    Free Member

    Where d’you get this idea Nutt’s a violent psycho from???

    From where you are obviously not paying attention, even in this thread, a mere six posts previously.

    Free Member

    I once saw a feller clothes-line a yute who was riding his bike, with four or five of his mates, though a busy shopping arcade, far too fast. There were elderly and infirm people about, as well as people with little kids.

    Several people cheered and clapped. There wasn’t much sympathy for the yute. I laughed in a mocking, unkind manner. Kid stomped off, pushing his bike.

    Direct action is occasionally necessary.

    Free Member

    Did you. How interesting.

    Free Member

    Slamming idiots against a wall who insist on riding on the pavement is fine in my book.Ride on the road that’s what it is for.Riding on pavements gives real cyclists a bad name as does riding the wrong way in one way streets.

    Free Member

    From where you are obviously not paying attention, even in this thread, a mere six posts previously.

    Ok, so…

    MrNutt – Member
    and may my God help you if we ever do meet.

    What, from that? Are you serious???

    Do you really believe that was meant as a serious threat of violence?

    If someone came out with ‘I’m going to kick your teeth out of your head and stab you in the eye with a Rotring propelling pencil’, then I’d say you have cause for concern. But that, blimey, Woppit! 😆

    I actually know Nutt, and can say that he’s a lovely person. He bought me a pint and a fish pie, in the Dove in Hammersmith, a few months ago. No way is he a deranged and violent psycho!

    Come and meet us sometime, then you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how pleasant we actually are. 🙂

    Free Member


    And THESE little sh1ts


    have delayed my cab to the station.

    National service, the lot of them.

    Free Member

    Slamming idiots against a wall who insist on riding on the pavement is fine in my book

    Well it’s not really, is it? I mean, it’s illegal for a start. Having a word with them is fine; being physically violent isn’t. If Woppit had been riding in the kind of manner that led the bloke to believe that physical harm to someone could result, then he’d be within his rights to use ‘appropriate’ force to prevent such a thing. Now, as obtuse as Woppit is on here, I can’t imagine he was doing such a thing, somehow.

    That’s appaling English, but sod it. You get the gist. 😀

    Poor Woppit. Not been your day, has it? 🙁

    Full Member

    although I sometimes think bad thoughts about cars and wing mirrors or SPD scrapes down the side… due to poor driving

    I’ve smashed several door mirrors with my knuckles on cars driving with their inside wheels overlapping the cycle lane I ride along, or parking half on the footpath half on the road, forcing me to ride out into the path of vehicles coming up behind. Carbon protectors on my Oakley Factory Pilots are wonderful for that.

    I got a bottle of coke thrown at me by a car driver for not cycling on the pavement a couple of weeks back. Damned either way!

    Somebody lobbed a half-empty can of coke out of a car window at me along a country lane once and missed. I picked it up and hoofed it after the car, which had to pull up for a tractor coming in the other direction. Got alongside, said “I think you’ve dropped something”, and lobbed it into the passengers lap. Managed to turn off before they caught
    up, but loud yell indicated he got a soaking. Sweet revenge.

    Free Member

    as obtuse as Woppit is on here

    Just following your example, milky.

    Free Member

    I do like to set a good example. 🙂


    Are the students revolting then?

    Free Member

    Why do you think the students are s***s?

    Free Member

    Evening all, MrWoppit is there any chance you could show us a photo of the damage?

    Free Member

    did he look like this?

    Free Member

    Well **** me, that does indeed look a bit like MrNutt……..how uncanny 😯
    Although iirc, his hair is a fair bit shorter than that.

    Free Member

    kaesae – Member

    Evening all, MrWoppit is there any chance you could show us a photo of the damage?

    Well I could, but it’s not very interesting – three missing spokes… Although one of them did get wrapped around the axle as I tried to cycle off.

    Free Member

    It is clearly against the law – it says so in the Highway Code. However, laws are applied and inforced with a certain amount of guidance and common sense.

    On 1st August 1999, new legislation came into force to allow a fixed penalty notice to be served on anyone who is guilty of cycling on a footway. However the Home Office issued guidance on how the new legislation should be applied, indicating that they should only be used where a cyclist is riding in a manner that may endanger others. At the time Home Office Minister Paul Boateng issued a letter stating that:

    “The introduction of the fixed penalty is not aimed at responsible cyclists who sometimes feel obliged to use the pavement out of fear of traffic and who show consideration to other pavement users when doing so. Chief police officers, who are responsible for enforcement, acknowledge that many cyclists, particularly children and young people, are afraid to cycle on the road, sensitivity and careful use of police discretion is required.”

    Free Member

    I can’t admit to doing it because I’m afraid, just avoiding a complicated junction and getting to work on time, along with about half-a-dozen others… I normally cycle it very carefully and mostly on the very edge between the road and the line of trees, but this morning I switched to the inside as I neared the junction where I get back on the road, as there seemed like the space to do it. Seems either he had decided to suddenly “take me down” or had simply wandered momentarily off his course, at exactly the wrong moment… and then turned into an arsehole.

    Free Member

    isn’t he allowed to break the law if it is to stop a greter crime being committed?

    Free Member

    Don’t know. Perhaps it’s a Garbo maneuvre.

    Free Member

    A what?

    Free Member

    Pearls before very slow swine… read your post again. Or learn to spell, perhaps.

    Free Member

    I made a typo, it’s you that can’t spell ‘manoeuvre’

    See, I got the Garbo bit. My post was pointing out the irony.

    Free Member

    Tis a bit stupid to cycle on the pavement at any time, so I can see why he was annoyed and his comment was fair. His reaction was not.

    Free Member

    Yesterday I got out of my car and crossed the pavement to enter the bank and some idiot came around the corner on his bike on the pavement and nearly hit me, I said idiot he slammed to a halt asking what I’d said, I repeated you idiot, he said no you didn’t you said something else, I said you should not be on the pavement you nearly hit me, he said come on then do you want some, I laughed he jumped off his bike and came towards me, I laughed again he pushed me but didn’t budge he got on his bike and road off, when I came out of the bank I saw him again he shouted you called me a tit I said no an idiot but I can call you a tit if you like. He was still cycling on the pavement. 🙄

    Free Member

    So OP you are using the pavement instead of the road purely as a measure of convenience to speed your journey

    That is simply wrong and I have no sympathy for you. If its that crucial then walk the bike

    Free Member

    Recently cycling along a back street in Ambleside a guy jumped left into my path swearing about what a **** I was.

    It was a bit weird but assumed he’d had a bad experience with mountain bikers previously

    Also I cycle which ever way I choose whether it be on the road, pavement, footpaths, lanes – never had an issue – always pay attention to foot traffic and smile and say hello when necessary 😀


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