I have to get myself back on a health kick. A few years back I lost 3 stone in 3 months by simply following a low fat/high fibre diet (to keep it simple I wouldn’t allow myself anything with over 10% fat – so like the 4% thing mentioned earlier, but a bit more liberal!). I ensured that nothing resembling a refined carbohydrate entered my mouth to keep fibre up.
I also cycled for 45 minutes every week day, as a minimum, and did at least 3 hours at the weekend. Mostly off road 🙂
Life has changed a lot since then though, so I have put a couple of stone back on, and can’t do the cycling thing every day (or any days at the moment). I think I need to take a good look at the iDave diet that has been pinned to my kitchen wall for the last year or so and, as they say, MTFU and get on with it. Got a lot on over the next month or so, but I think once that has settled I will get a clear run at sorting out my health and fitness.
It’s good to read these threads every so often, they give a bit of inspiration!