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  • Other 1/2 says "I need some space" Suggestions please!
  • genghispod
    Free Member

    Love. I think you may have to dig down a long way to find that under everything else that’s going on. Sadly. [/i


    Here I can feel your pain. I divorced my wife after 20 years and 2 children; I fought for and ended up with main custody of my 3 year old daughter (now nearly 9) and my then 13 year old son asked to be put in my sole custody. Incidentally and because of this I got to keep the house and my ex had to move out permanently.

    The bit that hurts the most personally, at the time though less so later, if that offers you some small solace, is the fact that the woman you loved and built your life around has just shit in your face.

    You’ll have a very different and far more pragmatic opinion of her a couple of years down the line though. Concentrate on your relationship with your kids and fight for your rights (you have as many as she does) and let her go her to hell in a handcart if that’s what she wants.

    If it comes to court CAFCASS will make the decisions about custody etc. and they, in my experience, are not stupid. I have dealt with both male and female officers, and have nothing but praise for their dedication, insightfulness and honesty. Rarely do you come across people who actually give that much of a shit about their job.

    Back to subject though, re love, it’s throwing good money after bad isn’t it? The kids will appreciate your love for the rest of their lives, why waste any more on her?

    Free Member

    Thanks again for your thoughts. Interestingly the missus has done one for the weekend on her own. I have the kids and things are fine as its not unusual for me to look after them on my own. Its obviously a bit difficult as they are slightly miffed about where she is. I had suggested that she go and stay with her parents and talk through stuff. I did, wisely or not, call her parents out of concern to let them know that things arent going well and what is occurring. I wasnt sure if this was a good move or not but was pleasantly reasurred by her mum that they definitely wanted to know what was happening and that i should keep them updated which was a bit weird. I guess i`ll know more when she arrives home tomorrow.
    Tick tock.

    Free Member

    fwiw, I think you did the right thing talking to her parents.

    Best wishes.

    Free Member

    +1, you definately did the right thing! Have a good wkend with the kids and enjoy their company.

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