Whilst not disagreeing with Stoner… Going back the OP… Either the house has consent, in which case no problem (Building Regs are not retroactive BTW but note any alterations that may need to comply), or it doesn’t, in which case run screaming from the room.
WRT regulation, this has got a little OTT IMHO. The limitations of legislation in the real world is nicely illustrated by the standard joke from Fire Officers on the correct use of fire extinguishers being to hold open self closing fire doors. Most domestic self-closing devices are disabled as soon as the Building Inspector is out of sight.
So, a door between kitchen and garage is not inherently disastrous. Obviously any quarter sensible occupant of the house would keep closed (most of the time) any door between garage and kitchen . People that do otherwise will no doubt attract a Darwinian solution sooner or later. All the legislation, intumescent strips, door closers and alarms are not going to change that very much. However, and rather annoyingly, they do add significantly to the cost of building houses both directly and indirectly all without adding any value.
Oh, and fire resistance of doors is always related to the context of the building overall so we should avoid too many generalisations without sufficient data.
Back at the OP again… it either has consent or not. You’re either a Darwin candidate or you’re not.