Home Forums Bike Forum Orange P7 and 100mm forks

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  • Orange P7 and 100mm forks
  • PJay
    Free Member

    I've fancied an Orange P7 for ages but it seems to have grown from a 100mm XC bike to something a bit more burly, I think that the pre-built bikes come with 140mm forks.

    The write up on the Orange site still describes it as having touring and all day possibilities and it's fork travel range is 100-140mm but how would it handle with 100mm forks and would it be a bit overbuilt for a mixture of road and light off road work?

    Free Member

    i run mine with 100mm rebas and it handles great,i do get a few pedal hits know and then though but i dont mind,i have tried revs on it but found them to much when i like to stand up

    Free Member

    Opposite to the above experience really. Ran it with 100mm rebas for a few months, found it a bit sharp tbh. Set them to 115 and it's much better. It will eventually have pikes on. I would say its quite a heavy frame to be running light forks on. Maybe look at something designed for 100mm?

    Full Member

    BB is too low with 100mm forks on it. I ran it with Pace 100mm rigids for a while, but was forever clacking pedals on stuff.

    Free Member

    I ran mine with reba's for a few weeks while my rev's where off for some work. No issues, one thing i did notice was the fact the bike fitted me perfectly, with the revs i don't have any standover with the reba's it was a perfect xc bike.

    Now i run it with Rev's limited down to 125mm which i find is a perfect fit. Last year the P7 did come with 100mm tora's well they had those models in my LBS so it is possible.

    Ideally i would like to have a set of revs with u-turn, crank it down for climbing etc and then back up for those techy trail stuff

    Free Member

    Ideally i would like to have a set of revs with u-turn, crank it down for climbing etc and then back up for those techy trail stuff

    That's what I'm running. 140 Revs which I turn down quite a lot, and forks came with remote poplock which I also use far more than I thought I would.

    Free Member

    Hey Lock, I've got 719's on my P7 too. Good work fella ! 8)

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