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  • On One Thinny pedal rebuild
  • stevie750
    Full Member

    My On One Thinny pedals are creaking a lot.
    Does anyone know where I can find a diagram or spec for the pedal so I can rebuild it. I looked on the HT website but they have no technical documentation.

    Free Member

    I expect there will be a dustcap or nut on the free end of the pedal .There will be a locknut and a cone behind that remove both and the pedal should slide of the axle if the bearings are loose and not sealed .

    Full Member

    Look about halfway down the page, might be a no-go I’m afraid:


    Full Member

    Arse. I’d missed that other thread, but have a creaking pedal due to a disintegrated ‘bearing’. I very much doubt a bearing can be sourced easily, but if anyone has solved this, I’d love to hear from you.

    Full Member

    Looks like they are for the bin then.

    Bit of a shame, I would have expected £40 pedals to be rebuildable

    Free Member

    Fixed mine recently… Send em to me and I’ll have a go for you…?

    Had to source a new left hand threaded nut.

    Full Member

    Wow! After a small email exchange with HT in China, they have very kindly sent me a rebuild kit FOC, so my Thinnies are good as new. I emailed them after my last post on this topic, so they’ve been really sharp.

    Anyone needing their email, drop me a line (email in profile)

    Free Member

    Hi Gavin, whats the website address? I’ve got teh same issue and I’m looking to get a rebuild kit if poss.


    Full Member

    Emailed you the details. Hope they help you out.

    Full Member

    They use a really bloody stupid tiny outboard bearing with a flat spring beside it, very very hard to clean and regrease without damaging it, and no real sealing. Good result on the HT kit, if anyone’s not able to get that from them there’s a company that sells the rebuild kit in Australia for about £15 but I don’t think they’re worth spending money on personally.

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