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  • On-One Fatty Build Question
  • epicyclo
    Full Member

    Anyone who can’t see the need for a granny ring on a fatbike hasn’t ridden in deep enough snow 🙂

    Free Member

    epicyclo – Member
    Anyone who can’t see the need for a granny ring on a fatbike hasn’t ridden in deep enough snow

    Yep, or Moorland peat and heather, loose shale, slate, shingle on the coast, wet sand, and sandy single track through dunes, also black volcanic pebble steep shorelines, in fact anywhere you struggle to ride a regular MTB to the point of being a slog and miserable 🙂

    Fatbikes are not replacements for MTBs, but to carry on where they struggle and stop..

    Free Member

    Having seen John Climber ride his I can see he doesn’t need a granny ring.
    but I needed one and fitted the Truvativ 2.2
    I dont use it often but it is there for when it is needed

    Free Member

    Sorry for hijacking. This might be of relevance to TS too.

    I saw onone are going to sell some carbon forks for the fatty soon. It was also stated that they will be fitted to new full fatty packages. I have no further info, but maybe this means onone will be selling reworked packages (brakes, cranks etc).

    Does anyone know how quick onone usually are, with getting their products out for sale once they’ve entered final production, from earlier experience?

    Hoping to ride a fatty real soon 🙂

    Full Member

    Got that covered….

    ride fat cranks

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