This is a thread about building a trail that contains lots of images of rocks and muck semi-neatly arranged into piles. I’ve been working on it for roughly a couple of months now and i’d guess i’m about half way done. I say roughly as i’m not 100% sure when i started (not that it matters) but as a visual reminder to keep at it, i haven’t shaved since i started. Current beard level: Geography teacher.
Anyway, here’s a few pics of some of the off-road mountain bicycling obstacles and a brief description of what they are – incase you don’t know 😉
Start. Steep thing
Jump. Hip left. Right hand step-up sometimes suffers from bad cross winds – caution!
Berms. Top right of the pic (looking back up the trail now) you can make out the start hill/drop and below the landing of the first jump. Then a RH berm and this LH berm come muck wallride (and dog)
which leads onto a pump mound, another berm and what i’m calling my ‘trail centre’ jump (’cause it looks a bit like one).
Nice big landing
Next follows a natural undulating rocky section which ends with a small drop
Small (but fast) jump next with a semi-awkward landing that leads to a slightly bigger drop.
Might put a shallow berms on the next bit at some point, but for now there’s a straight bumpy run to another gentle jump (i like jumps :D)
As a side note, it was 28 degrees when i build this jump and landing and i got a touch of the sun that day.
Today i made a little rock garden thing just after the landing and scoped out what to do next (i wish i had a digger).
Flip me, i could have built another jump in the time it took to post this 😀 If it stays dry this evening, i might get a run up with the gopro as it’s far handier.