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  • Old F34 v new F34 v Pike decision-making dilemma
  • rhayter
    Full Member

    It’s getting close to fork service time and while my current 2015 Fox 34s are nice and stiff, they’ve never been keen to deliver full, well supported travel.

    So I have options:
    1) Send them to Mojo (or someone else) for a service and get them to fit a new FIT4 damper (about £190)
    2) Buy a 2106 pair of 34 forks with the lighter chassis and FIT 4 damper (£750)
    3) Find a pair of 140mm 650b Pike RCT (hopefully around £600 – or less from Germany)

    Whaddya reckon? Anyone got any experience with the new FIT4 damper? I’m not particularly GNARR and I like my forks quite ‘fit and forget’…


    Free Member

    the new damper is awesome. Any of the options are going to yield a great result though, it’s all personal preference.

    Free Member

    Aren’t the Pikes more like £400 if you get them from the right places? You don’t need the RCT3, the RCs are the same damper, just fewer dials.

    I’d say option 1) is likely to be best out of the ones you suggested.

    What about 4) Sell the Foxes on eBay for way more than they’re actually worth, then use the money to buy the Pike?

    Free Member

    What about 4) Sell the Foxes on eBay for way more than they’re actually worth, then use the money to buy the Pike?

    I have always liked fox forks (missed the CTDs as luck would have it) but, no way would I spend £300+ over the Pikes. They are very good (I have two sets now).

    Full Member

    I’m in the same boat as the OP. My better half’s Pike’s are lovely and plush at the start then ramp up much better than my 34’s.

    My 34’s have some damage to the dropout, making their resale value close to nowt so I’m also considering the Fit4 upgrade route..

    I nearly leapt at some 2016 TALAS 36’s on the classifieds the other day until I thought about how little I’d get for my 34’s!

    Full Member

    What about 4) Sell the Foxes on eBay for way more than they’re actually worth, then use the money to buy the Pike?

    I like this option too, but the second hand market is sooooooo slow right now. I can’t get anyone to buy my Yeti Big Top 29r despite a bargain price.

    And yes, Pikes can be got for £400… but getting 650b and 140mm is REALLY tough. I suppose I could get a 150mm pair and get Loco to reduce them to 140mm… (That’d be option 3b then)

    Full Member

    I’m currently thinking about this. My 2015 34s don’t feel too great, my marzocchi 55s were so much better.. ah well.

    Bookmarking this for when I decide to upgrade.

    I am also tempted by those 36s!

    Full Member

    What about 4) Sell the Foxes on eBay for way more than they’re actually worth, then use the money to buy the Pike?

    Have you seen what second hand Fox go for these days?

    Free Member

    Have you seen what second hand Fox go for these days?

    Nope 😆

    Still more than they’re worth, I’d wager.

    Free Member

    I’ve got the 36RC2’s & very good as they are I popped a set of 2016 FIT 4’s on another bike we own & what a impressive fork, very smooth & supportive nowt like the CTD of old, & compression adjust really makes a difference with a few clicks, my personal preference & I’ve owned pikes too.

    Free Member

    Aren’t the Pikes more like £400 if you get them from the right places? You don’t need the RCT3, the RCs are the same damper, just fewer dials.

    When I built my Switchback up in January, I was planning to get Pikes but I was unable to source this mythical cheap Pikes…they all seemed really expensive. I ended up with some tuned, ex demo 34’s from Mojo and reckon they’re pretty good, way better than the ’13 34’s I ride that were poo. They’re not in the same class as my Devilles.

    I dont mind Fox forks. I’ve never had any issues with any of mine unlike my previous Rock Shox (I’m in the minority who hated the original Pike).

    Free Member

    Avalanche is the other option for the 34s

    Full Member

    I thought the 2015 foxes were supposed to the amazing improvment on the previous years models?

    Full Member

    wasn’t it that the 2015 36’s were ace with the 34’s being improved but now the 2016 34’s are equally ace and a match for pike’s (if you believe the reviews)?

    As for Fox prices, good luck selling a used set and having enough for new pike. My 2014 34’s are not as good as pike’s but they cost £300 new a year ago which was nearly half what I could find the correct pike for at the time. They’re a really good pair of forks imo, much better than you’d believe from reading the Internet and at the time the RS were not worth nearly twice as much.

    Free Member

    last time I checked with mojo about fitting a fit4 it was £192 cart + service £119 around £300 mark don’t think they’ll do the damper without a service.

    Free Member

    I think it’s even more than that…

    I have just been quoted:

    £184 for FIT4 upgrade and £310 for the cartridge! Yikes. That’s more than I paid for the forks!

    Full Member

    wasn’t it that the 2015 36’s were ace with the 34’s being improved but now the 2016 34’s are equally ace and a match for pike’s (if you believe the reviews)?

    My 2015 34s aren’t awful just not brilliant. But the 2016 34s are supposed to be the mutt’s proverbials.

    £184 for FIT4 upgrade and £310 for the cartridge! Yikes. That’s more than I paid for the forks!

    That’s mental. Almost £500 when the RRP of a new 2016 24 is £750!

    Personally, that’d send me online to a european web site for a new pair…

    Free Member

    Whoa! I sent my F34 away last week via LBS for this offer £184 FIT4 including Service (we confirmed it before sending my forks away too). Haven’t heard back yet.

    Mojo FIT4+Service offer

    Free Member

    How about a set of the new rough cut HLR Xfusion sweeps Manitou mattoc pros? Both just under £400. Interesting alternatives. Mega pleased with my mattoc.

    Free Member

    I think it’s even more than that…

    I have just been quoted:

    £184 for FIT4 upgrade and £310 for the cartridge! Yikes. That’s more than I paid for the forks!

    I imagine what you have been quoted for there is the Fit 4 cartridge upgrade and service at £184 and then the £310 would be the cost if you wanted to upgrade to the latest airspring which requires a new CSU unit.

    Free Member

    My mistake – £184 is for the performance damper which does away with the compression settings for soft mode. The factory series upgrade is £310.

    I have 2015 Factory 34’s with a Mojo tune and they said that it wasn’y worth upgrading to FIT4 performance but was worth it for the factory upgrade. I only paid £400 for the forks so I’m not willing to drop £310 on a service and damper.

    To be honest, I quote like mine. They’re a huge improvement over the 2013 model which was awful.

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