Hi all,
Just wondered what the STW hive mind does for organising themselves on a day to day basis.
I work in a busy department, handling multiple projects at once, along with the dreaded PDP objectives and goals etc, and sometimes I feel I could be doing things better to organise myself. Ive read about various methodologies, such as Getting Things Done, and I have an iphone and Ipad, as well as a windows laptop, and Ive tried a few list type apps to try and organise myself. These have never quite worked for me, and tend to fall by the wayside.
I revert to a notepad for meeting notes / general notes etc, but I think there must be a way to organise that better too? What do you guys do? Split the notepad into sections? ToDos, Meeting Notes, General Notes, PDP Objectives etc?
Just need some inspiration of what works for you, and even if you have found a way to manage using online iphone/ipad tools instead?