Home Forums Notice – STW any issues ?

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  • Notice – STW any issues ?
  • DickBarton
    Full Member

    Still nothing happening with Messages…and what should happen when viewing your messages and you select the cog next to your username? Nothing happens there for me.
    Just seems to be completely lifeless…I can’t seem to create a new message and I can’t delete any messages.
    I’m just looking to have all the stored messages on my profile deleted and cleared out, but nothing is happening.

    Full Member

    I’m just looking to have all the stored messages on my profile deleted and cleared out, but nothing is happening.

    Why would you care?  It’s not like you’re paying for storage.  My primary email account has over fifty-five thousand emails in the Inbox, over eighteen thousand unread.  Emails in my “STW” folder both from mailing list items and discussions from back when I was a moderator is eleven thousand.

    If I could get rid of the “unread” red dot on here however, that might be handy.

    Full Member

    wen emoji?

    Full Member

    Sounds like I’m slightly tidier than Cougar with messaging…I’m looking to declutter as they don’t get looked at any more.
    However, it appears I can’t do anything with Messaging so it could be a bigger issue for others as well.

    Also, when replying to this thread, it reloads and shows page 20. I click on page 21 and it shows the last page with my post showing.

    Full Member

    Yep – pagination is still an issue in longer threads.

    OTOH the whole forum seems a bit faster than of late. Page load times seem to be around 4 seconds, though there’s maybe a pattern that longer (or maybe older?) threads take more time to load.

    Full Member

    @mark – this change you made, was it to caching?

    I’m getting a lot of stale pages, even a refresh doesn’t return a fresh page, I’ve to hard-refresh to get the current version.

    Full Member

    Further to that,

    I can see my previous post in this thread.  I have a logged-out version open in a different browser and it’s not updated on there yet, it’s showign scotroutes’ post as the last one, both in the thread itself and the index.

    Full Member

    Just css related to the page width. No caching tweaks other than clearing it a couple of times this morning.

    Full Member

    Despite being a full member I seem to get all the adverts, logging out and logging back in again gets rid of them, but it’s a little annoying.  Any ideas?

    Full Member

    FWIW after a relatively fast weekend, page response times seem to have become glacial again.

    Full Member

    I know it’s a tiny thing in the scheme of things, but I am surprised by how much I miss emojis.  If only to convey the fact a post is tongue in cheek or that a comment is not meant to be taken seriously.  I’m sure there must have been (even) more virtual bun fights due to misunderstood intentions since we lost them!  Can we have them back please?

    Also, on a positive note and contrary to Scotroute’s experience above. Page loading has been quite quick for me for a few weeks now, other than for a few brief periods, and continues to be so.  Chrome browser on a Chromebook. <thumbs up emoji>

    Full Member

    Back to my Messages issue…trying again on desktop and I’ve been checking the Console when loading the page – a few errors pop up but when I click the Delete icon (the bin) it is trying to go to “javascript:void(0);” and looking at the Console, it then gives this error –

    um-messaging.min.js?ver=2.3.9:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘tipsy’)
    at HTMLAnchorElement.<anonymous> (um-messaging.min.js?ver=2.3.9:1:6552)
    at HTMLBodyElement.dispatch (jquery.min.js?m=1725982252g:2:40035)
    at v.handle (jquery.min.js?m=1725982252g:2:38006)

    No idea if that helps anyone, but it looks like something isn’t quite right.

    Full Member

    @scotroutes it’ll be slow on a Monday as all the people “working” are skiving on the forum, whereas at the weekend they’re all out cycling!

    Full Member

    Tried to upload a pic from my ipad. Pic appears in the posting window, but after clicking Submit, it jumps to the first page of the thread and nothing is posted. Not even the text. Bit weird.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the console info DickBarton. We are working on this bug this week. Hope to have some good news for you soon.

    I miss emojis too. It’s on the list. We didn’t take them away btw. They just vanished when we moved to WPVIP.

    Full Member

    Thanks for the reply and that you are looking into it.

    Full Member

    Unable to login AGAIN first thing this morning.

    Free Member

    Tried to message someone the other day who’d previously sent me a very nice, huge message on some route advice. As such, the message went off the bottom of the page but there is no scroll bar etc so I couldn’t actually get to the bottom of the message and reply to him. Tried on windows and android. Deleting the message didn’t work either.

    Stalked him on FB in the end and sent him a message via messenger…

    Full Member

    I’m going to send you a link to reset your password @watty

    This login bug is another priority for us this week along with messaging. It’s a tricky one because it’s intermittent and only affects some users.

    If any users are having login issues, particularly where it says your password is incorrect but you KNOW it’s correct and the password reset email process doesn’t work (ie. you get the email with the reset link but after changing your password it still says your password is incorrect). Then email me directly at mark@singletrackworld.com and I will get you in by sending you a reset link that will work. Put ‘login problem’ as your email title and I’ll make sure to look out for it.

    In this case we know what is happening but not the why. Again, intermittent bugs are the worst. But for those that are interested..

    There are two ways to login to our site. Running on WordPress as we are there is the default WordPress login system. We use a plugin (Software) called Ultimate Member that does all the user account management and messaging stuff. It also helps us control our subscriptions. Ultimate Member has it’s own login system and we use this one for the site. However, it seems this bug is causing the site to occasionally get mixed up between the two and this is leading to the login bug for a small number of users intermittently. It happened to me over the weekend and it sorted itself out in a few hours. Our mission is to work out what is causing this bug to happen.

    Full Member

    This login problem might be what @ton experienced. I’ve copied your post to him via FB Messenger

    Full Member

    I sent Ton a rest link last night.

    In the meantime, we just changed something. Can everyone check their messages and profiles to see if they are working as you expect?

    Full Member

    Thanks Mark, I’m able to tidy up my messages now as can delete…as I’m anti-social, I don’t tend to send many messages, but the delete option is now working again. Thanks for sorting.

    Full Member

    Is there any update on the issue of members still seeing pop-up ads? I dont appear to be alone in this. Possibly I’ve missed an update or acknowledgement of this? It’s still happened exactly the same this morning. Thanks.

    Member but I’m still getting adverts on homepage and pop-up adverts too when first navigating to the forum. Is this normal now? Or, how can I fix this as it’s an utter PITA. Happens every time I visit the site, regardless of browser or device (Windows PC Chrome, iOS Safari, MacBook OS Safari.

    Full Member

    Can you send me a screenshot to me at mark@singletrackworld.com ?

    Full Member

    Users getting ads when logged in as full members I’d like you to try something..

    Our ads show or do not show based on a single cookie called ‘ezoic’. If this cookie is not present in your browser or has become corrupted then it is likely that you will see ads when you are logged in. What I want to try is deleting that cookie. Once deleted a few page refreshes while logged in should get it reset. This ‘may’ fix the issue for you.

    Here’s how to do this using Chrome on desktop. If you use Safari or something else then you will need to find where your browser stores cookies and delete it.

    Login to the site
    Right click with your mouse anywhere on the page.
    From the menu that appears click ‘Inspect’.
    A sidebar should appear on the right. It will look complicated.
    There should be a menu bar at the top of the sidebar that has ‘Elements…Console…Sources… and more.
    Click the option ‘Application’.
    Over on the left of the sidebar you should see some windows.
    One of these should be labelled ‘Storage’.
    In that window click on the little arrow next to ‘Cookies’ to expand this section.
    One of the listed sets of cookies should be called ‘https://singletrackworld.com&#8217; – Click this to view all our cookies.
    These are our own cookies ie. 1st party cookies. They are needed to make the site work even though there seems to be a lot of them.
    Scroll down and find the one called ‘ezoic’.
    Highlight it and then hit delete.
    Now close the sidebar by clicking the X top right.
    Browse a few pages on the site.

    That should reset that cookie. Hopefully the ads will go away then. If not try logging out and back in again.

    In general you can delete any of those cookies or find the control in your browser to delete all cookies. Any cookies you see that start with the letters ez within our site cookies are likely to be related to ads. You can safely delete them. They will return when you use the site but if any are corrupted they shodul be reset.

    If that still doesn’t work then a screen shot of your page with the ads on along with details of your computer (Mac or PC etc.) plus your browser type. Send that to me at mark@singletrackworld.com.

    Full Member

    Thanks @Mark, I’ve followed that process for Chrome on W11 and deleted all cookies starting with ez.

    There’s a screenshot (W11, Chrome) I posted a couple of pages ago but I’ll see if the above’s fixed it first. I’ll monitor and report back.

    Free Member

    Am I going absolutely insane or has the last three hours been wiped from the forum, the top thread was lasted posted in by Kayak 3 hours ago?

    Full Member

    Am I going absolutely insane or has the last three hours been wiped from the forum, the top thread was lasted posted in by Kayak 3 hours ago?

    There is something very weird going on with caching.  Ironically I thought I’d already posted this.

    I’m getting served pages and indices which are minutes if not hours stale and a refresh doesn’t update it.  I have to do a hard refresh (ctrl-F5 on a grown-up computer 🙂 to get the current page, and even then it’s not always reliable.

    Desktop site, multiple browsers, matters not whether I’m logged in or out.

    Pinging @mark – this is why I asked about changes earlier.

    Full Member

    In Chrome, where I’ve just posted that previous post, I can see my post and the [new] THREADS post on the Chat index.

    Over in Edge where I’m logged out (because the forum is rapid rather than taking 30 seconds to load a page when logged in), there is no Vulcan Nerve Pinch I can come up with which will force it to display the new content.

    Free Member

    Don’t use the message option slot, been messaging a  member regarding an item I have for sale, can no longer send messages as it now saysYou have reached your limit for sending messages

    Any ideas?

    I’m not ignoring you ?

    Free Member

    There a daily message limit for free members.

    Full Member

    Why am I seeing a gazillion adverts, some of which are full page whenever I click on a thread, despite being a paid member? The banner across the bottom is particularly annoying as the X to close it is so small it immediately clicks on the link.

    Full Member

    Just saw the above from mark & the ezoic removals seems to have fixed it.

    Full Member

    This doesn’t look so good.

    Screenshot 2024-10-08 210918

    Screenshot 2024-10-08 211244

    Screenshot 2024-10-08 211036

    Full Member

    Messages are finally working again for me after months of them not.

    Thumb up emoji.

    Full Member

    So my ‘favourites’ link is to /forum, when i navigate from my profile page and click on forum, i notice that changes to /community, so i think i’m clever and change my ‘favourites’ link to /community, and it works! For a day.

    Now i have to, again, click on my ‘favourites’ link -> again get deluged with ads -> again click on profile -> again click on forum -> then get to the forum home page.

    It’s not ideal, is it?

    Full Member

    Just saw the above from mark & the ezoic removals seems to have fixed it.

    …actually no it hasn’t. I’ve cleared two ezoic cookies and it’s still showing a large add every other thread on the overview page & when I click on any thread I get a full page ad. This is my screen on an iPhone, which as you can see is pretty awful. If I open the drop down menu I can’t access everything due to the adverts overlapping the menu:


    Full Member

    Might be worth clearing all your cookies – not great for all other sites you use but if it clears this issue then it might be worthwhile doing.

    Full Member

    Hi @mildred this is something I can confirm as I’ve seen it too. We are working on a different way to detect if you are a full member in addition to the use of cookies – For the tech types we are looking to use a metatag on all pages if you are a full member. This should provide a fall back system that will prevent any issues with different browsers and setups from stopping the ezoic cookie from being read or set.

    I’ll update when I have more info on that.

    Full Member

    We are now using a metatag rather than a cookie to determine your ad status. For those that know how to check the metatag is called ezoic_ad_suppression

    That tag should be present on every page while your are logged in as a full member.

    One issue this has brought to our attention is that clearing cookies now won’t fix the problem if you are seeing ads when you shouldn’t. What we suspect may be happening in those cases is that your browser is serving a version of the page from it’s own internal cache that does not have this metatag. That may happen if your browser caches the page before you login and after you are logged in it serves up that cached version of the page without the metatag.

    Clearing the stored cache data on your device could fix this. This is how you do this on a mobile device.

    On Android in chrome click the three dots and then select ‘Clear Browsing Data.’

    On iOS Chrome click the three dots and tnen click ‘Delete browsing data’

    Instructions for other browsers on mobile may vary but essentailly you are looking to clear out any stored cached page files from the site. This shoudl result in you getting a clean verion of the page with the metatag present.

    Let me know how you get on with that.

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