Years ago someone emailed me a quick patch to some code except that it broke the compilation. There was nothing obviously wrong with the code but the compiler error just didn’t make any sense whatsoever.
A morning’s work eventually discovered the reason. Like most big companies we used Outlook for email and that used Word, or a version of it, as its default editor. Word had “helpfully” converted some of the space characters in the code to its own internal non breaking space character. The code editor we used would display that character as a space not a special character so I was trying to see the difference between a space and a space! Grrr!
@Cougar – a lot of people don’t realise just what you can C&P on modern systems or even what the highlighting means when you click in the browser/explorer address bar.
@ebygomm – the first place I worked after college had a bizarre timekeeping system. There was a preformatted Excel worksheet into which you entered your project codes and times and then emailed to the secretaries. They would then print them off and manually re-enter the data into another system.