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  • Not so innocent smoothies
  • GrahamS
    Full Member

    Where did I say anything about me not eating any sugar.

    This nonsense: “Sugars bad irrespective of the form it takes”.

    I don’t eat a great deal (mainly from veg and fruit)

    And yet here you are objecting to the amount of sugar in a pure fruit drink. 🙄

    Full Member

    I just don’t like the lazy “reporting” not actually pointing fingers at anyone here.
    BushW the <> was a bit arsey granted, but the rest was almost genuine. big difference between refined sugar (sucrose) and other sugars (maltose, fructose, glucose etc). THe labels on cartons are pretty meaningless when they groups sugars together.

    Free Member

    I agree that there is a big difference between refined and natural sugar, but you try to avoid sugar and you’ll see how much we consume – and what benefits does it really give us?

    GrahamS – Member

    Where did I say anything about me not eating any sugar.

    This nonsense: “Sugars bad irrespective of the form it takes”.

    That’s nonsense – I know falling off a bike is bad for you but doesn’t stop me doing it. Where in that sentence does it say I don’t eat any sugar?

    I don’t eat a great deal (mainly from veg and fruit)

    And yet here you are objecting to the amount of sugar in a pure fruit drink.

    Where did I object to the amount of sugar in that drink? If you want the benefits of all the goodness available you are far better off making a vegetable juice than a fruit juice. The problem with fruit juices that they can tend to contain too much sugar and you can get addicted to it, so ideally you need to keep everything in moderation. In the same way that there are benefits from red meat or oily fish but you should eat that in moderation too.

    Common sense really.

    Free Member

    STW forum = no place for common sense.

    Free Member


    Full Member

    Where in that sentence does it say I don’t eat any sugar?… Where did I object to the amount of sugar in that drink?

    Silly me. You showed up on the thread while we were discussing the amount of sugar in an innocent smoothie, then declared that all sugar is bad (backed by some flakey evidence) and that you avoid sugar.

    I’ve no idea how I got the idea that you don’t eat sugar…

    what benefits does it really give us?

    Stops your pancreas getting bored?

    If you want the benefits of all the goodness available you are far better off making a vegetable juice than a fruit juice.

    Still plenty of sugar in a vegetable juice.
    4g per 100ml in tomato or carrot juice.

    You’d be much better off with a nice glass of melted lard.
    No sugar at all in that. 🙂

    Free Member

    Still didn’t say I don’t eat ANY sugar which is the assumption you have some how come to and I don’t know how you came to that assumption either so no point asking me.

    The levels at which the western world eat sugar is what makes it bad. Hence why I added this to the thread to open up the debate.

    No one ever really considers sugar as being bad other than the obvious increase in girth. It’s included in most food products but you don’t actually need as much as you think or you probably consume. As I said before over consumption is actually quite bad for you and can cause numerous issues.

    Dont even get me started on lard.

    Full Member

    The levels at which the western world eat sugar is what makes it bad…. over consumption is actually quite bad for you and can cause numerous issues

    So actually what you originally meant to say was EXCESSIVE Sugar’s bad – irrespective of the form it takes”?

    I’d happily agree with that, but that is rather different from suggesting sugar is somehow toxic which is what you seemed to be doing (to me anyway).

    Incidentally my wife is a Specialist Registrar in Diabetes & Endocrinology and she has genetic diabetes herself – so I’m very aware of the issues that sugar can bring.

    Free Member

    If Sugar is SOOOO bad why did God make it taste so good and put it in some many things?

    but seriously if noting else this thread has entertained me whilst I eat my healthy Greek yoghurt with added clotted cream, puree apple and honey!

    Free Member

    Graham – If you watch the second clip above – the Dr actually states that Fructose is toxic.

    XCwanabe – God knows

    Full Member

    Graham – If you watch the second clip above – the Dr actually states that Fructose is toxic.

    Timestamp? That “clip” is an hour and a half long. I’ve got work to do!

    Full Member

    ……..anyway. Apparently they have reduced the size of the cartons without a proportionate reduction in price.

    Full Member

    ……..anyway. Apparently they have reduced the size of the cartons without a proportionate reduction in price.

    Which they’ve acknowledged on their website and in the media (innocent bloke was on Radio 4 the other day talking about it).

    He also mentioned it was their first price rise since 2004.


    Free Member

    Have you noticed the delivery times from Chain Reaction recently?


    Free Member


    Graham – 20 minutes in almost on the nose

    Full Member

    Graham – If you watch the second clip above – the Dr actually states that Fructose is toxic.

    Funnily enough, googling “fructose toxic” returns in its top ten a web site debunking that very video.

    which takes us to

    This says it all really though, “A recurrent error in Lustig’s lecture is his omission of specifying the dosage and context of his claims.” Ie, sure, fructose is toxic, if you go out of your way to isolate it and then consume it at 60% of your diet for a sustained amount of time.

    Putting it another way; what noise does a duck make?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Here’s a link you might like: The earth is flat!!! 😉

    I was asked about medical evidence, it maybe cutting edge medicine but does open up a debate. Interestingly he also makes the point that sugar is not needed for any bodily function.

    So back to my point earlier “sugar is bad”.

    Free Member

    Is it Innocent Smoothies that promise 10% of profits too charity but then conveniently don’t register a profit, or was that someone else?

    Full Member

    Yeah pretty much what Cougar said. Just asked the missus about this and she said there was some evidence about fructose being toxic in very high quantities, but then most things are. So we’re back to sensible moderation.

    Incidentally, if you want to avoid fructose then I’m not sure getting your intake of sugar from fruit and veg is the best way to do it 🙂

    he also makes the point that sugar is not needed for any bodily function.

    Odd then that your body breaks down all carbohydrates into sugar and is powered by glycolysis (which converts sugar into ATP). A process that occurs in nearly all living organisms.

    Exclude carb from your diet and you put yourself into Ketoacidosis.

    Free Member

    Nail on head – carbs are broken down into sugar – so why take on board excess sugar then 😉

    The point I’ve been looking to make all along is that sugar is a lot worse for you than we are lead to believe

    Free Member

    I will not tell you again sunshine.

    Full Member

    I’d like to respond but don’t seem to have the energy…

    Free Member

    The point I’ve been looking to make all along is that sugar is a lot worse for you than we are lead to believe

    Who exactly is leading us to believe sugar is not bad for you?

    Refined sugar is bad for you IN GENERAL yes, mainly because of its effect on blood sugar. However it has its uses, in exercise situations for instance.

    However fruit is good for you in other ways, and the ‘sugar’ contained therein is wrapped up in fruit tissue which means the result is low GI therefore much less harmful than sugar on its own.

    It’s a lot more complicated than ‘sugar is bad’. But don’t let a bit of ignorance stop you waffling on a forum – I don’t 🙂

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Who exactly is leading us to believe sugar is not bad for you?

    A variety of medical experts

    By the way – the goodness is in the fibre not the juice. The sweetness is to encourage us to eat it.

    Free Member

    the goodness is in the fibre not the juice

    Actually, it’s mostly in the vitamins and minerals – the fibre just helps you crap talk

    Free Member

    Fibre doesn’t do anything except keep you regular. The goodness is in vit C, folic acid, various minerals, polyphenols, loads more stuff like that.

    A variety of medical experts

    They’ve not said anything to me. However as above – sugar is not in itself bad for you. Too much refined sugar in the form of high GI foods is bad for you though. We don’t go round saying water’s bad for you because too much can kill you, do we?

    Free Member

    Full Member

    We don’t go round saying water’s bad for you because too much can kill you, do we?

    You mean you aren’t aware of the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide?


    Full Member

    If you watch the second clip above – the Dr actually states that Fructose is toxic.

    So is Oxygen.

    Free Member

    aren’t we all aware that too much water can kill you? there’s signs all over the place!!

    Free Member

    on the sugar thing – this is a theory with some evidecne about it. I am not totally convinced myself.


    Free Member

    So is Oxygen.

    And CO2 and that comes out of your lungs!!!

    Free Member

    And nitrogen – 70% of what you’re breathing right now….

    Free Member

    And chocolate.

    Free Member

    Is it Innocent Smoothies that promise 10% of profits too charity but then conveniently don’t register a profit, or was that someone else?

    They held back half a million from their charity foundation. Sorry, but there is profits to be made….

    The glowing image of Innocent, Britain’s biggest smoothie maker, has survived most knocks, including exploding bottles in 2007 and a Coca-Cola buyout last year. The company’s blend of natural ingredients and chatty branding, helped by a pledge printed on its bottles to donate 10% of the profits to charity, have seen off all comers.

    But perhaps proving that charity begins at home, Innocent has held on to £520,000 pledged to its charitable foundation in 2007, and has not donated a penny to that foundation since 2008.

    Most of the company’s charitable giving, which is also promoted on its website, is channelled through the Innocent Foundation, which funds development projects in the countries where Innocent sources its fruit. The foundation funds other charities working on sanitation, health care and microfinance.

    The charity has received no funding from Innocent in recent years as the company’s expansion drive across Europe, coupled with wider economic downturn, meant it delivered no profits between 2008 and 2010.



    Free Member

    LycraLout – I love your pie-chart……..I’m stealing it now btw:)

    Full Member

    LycraLout – I love your pie-chart……..I’m stealing it now btw:)

    You may like: http://graphjam.memebase.com/

    Free Member

    The charity has received no funding from Innocent in recent years as the company’s expansion drive across Europe, coupled with wider economic downturn, meant it delivered no profits between 2008 and 2010

    Not so Innocent then.

    Reading that article in full it sounds like they relied on the money that was promised to charity to keep them afloat during expansion.

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