I was out for a walk Sunday, and there’s a busy road with a short narrow uphill one-way section that becomes two-way just at the crest, before dropping down to the main A4. There are houses either side so they have an uphill access with no entry signs. Anyway, I get to the crest of the hill to see a pensioner on a bike, dayglo jacket, helmet and all, cycling on the footpath, which is just wide enough for a pushchair. As she forced herself past me, onto the one-way bit, I said, “excuse me, cycling on the footpath’s illegal, and you’re riding the wrong way down a one-way road” “F*** off” was the reply. Senior citizens, eh, no damned respect. I rather hoped I’d hear a bang as the stupid cow went head-on into one of the cars coming towards her.
Previous week, on the junction at the beginning of the one-way bit, I went to cross the road, which is a blind corner on the right, looked left to check no cars were coming, stepped out and nearly got clobbered by a male cyclist tearing along the one-way bit the wrong way in the actual traffic lane. Missed me by centimetres. Wish I’d been a fraction later, I’d have had the stupid bastard clean off his bike and lying in the road. Perhaps next time. He had on all the kit, dayglo jacket, reflective tabard, lights on his bike and a lid. And riding like a complete ****wit. I s’pose all the kit give the retard moral superiority.