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  • No More Vulcan XH558 After This Season
  • Houns
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    Yes, rode to Cosford to watch it

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    Welshpool international today….. ace.

    Full Member

    Rode from stourbridge to cosford to see the vulcan today,what a spectacular sight.

    Full Member

    Exactly what I did 😯

    Full Member

    I was thinking about heading over to Welshpool today but had too much else on to fit it in. The Vulcan is supposed to be doing a tour of all the airfields where there are static Vulcans on display so its coming over Woodford, East Midlands and various other places more local to me, I think on the weekend of 27th – 28th June.

    Full Member

    Guildford’s hosting armed forces day in a couple of week’s time; harbouring hopes it may fly over.

    Free Member

    It seems I am the only one who will not regret the grounding of a large Aluminium triangular begging bowl.

    How does their begging compare with that of the spitfire?

    Full Member

    Houns,what bike were you riding?,only saw a guy on a silver trek near perton ridge.

    Full Member

    Kinesis Pro6. I went Wordsley, Camp Hill, Claverley, Worfield, Beckbury

    Free Member

    I still remember seeing one of these take off on full reheat at Biggin Hill air fair back in the day.

    It managed to melt the end of the runway and stop the whole show for an hour or so while it was repaired….

    Full Member

    We went prestwood, canal to wombourne,lanes and bridalways to perton,road through pattingham,bridalway round patshull park to albrighton cricket club.Two pounds to get in cheap beer and food and right at the end of the runway.

    38 mile round trip.

    Free Member

    Missed the big beast. Well I didn’t actually know the airshow was on. But was driving past Welshpool today on way back from CYB, and once I’d manage to work my way round the closed road I was planning on using (and which they wanted to divert me miles in the wrong direction) caught the Typhoon getting thrown around the sky, which was flipping excellent!

    Free Member

    Cracking day at Welshpool today. There’s something great about the small airshow, hillside backdrop and reverb of engines down the valley.

    Such a shame to think that’s the last time I may see her flying

    Full Member

    I still remember seeing one of these take off on full reheat at Biggin Hill air fair back in the day.
    It managed to melt the end of the runway and stop the whole show for an hour or so while it was repaired….

    The Vulcan didn’t have reheat.

    Free Member

    I was working the show so got to see it. My work mate was telling me his great uncle got a 24 hour posting for barrel rolling that very aircraft when it was in service.

    Free Member

    I thought doing a barrel roll was within the design specs?

    I have to admit I was amazed at what the Typhoon did – hadn’t realized they displayed like that. Where I was due East of the show seemed to be a great location as it came pretty close and we also got to see it coming head on and directly away so you could see the orange glow from the nozzles – that surely was on reheat?

    Free Member

    Reheat would give a six or eight foot cone of fire emerging from the jet pipe. Vulcans didn’t have it fitted although Concorde which used the same engines did.
    The later Vulcans with the Olympus 301 engines were considered to be rather over powered as it was.

    Free Member

    Flying over at Cossford yesterday

    Free Member

    Not sure the ability to do a barrel role was within the design spec’s as such – has no value as a tactical manoeuvre for a large bomber. I think it was the Avro test pilot getting a bit frisky one year at a Farnborough airshow, and I seem to recall from a documentary that he got a bit of a bollocking for it. I think he only did it once or twice. In anycase in theory any aircraft is capable of doing a barrel role so long as +ve G is maintained. Someone did a barrel roll in Concorde once and it certainly was not in that aircraft’s design spec’s.

    I have fond memories of the Vulcans and Nimrods. I was an Apprentice at BAe Woodford and lived under the flightpath of the aerodrome as a kid when the Nimrods and Vulcans were there for refits, so became very used to seeing them flying over routinely. As an apprentice i heard lots of stories from some of the guys who worked on them. Seems strange when you see a Vulcan flying now and i’ve forgotten how commonplace it was.

    One of the benefits of being an Apprentice there was bunking off my block release college course and going on-site and sitting on a grass verge next to the runway during the week ahead of the Woodford Airshow and watching all the aircraft practicing their display’s. I often saw them do things they would not be allowed to do during a public display as there was always a lot of competition between the pilots from different airforces and countries. The Vulcans and Nimrods easily put on some of the most impressive displays even compared to the fighters, all of which had their wings severely clipped apart from the Russians. The SU27 Flankers always stole the show, but seeing a Vulcan pulling off some fighter like manoeuvres was always an impressive sight. Also the sheer noise and vibration from their engines, you could feel your internal organs vibrate when a vulcan came round on a low speed bank, to flatten out and haul the nose up to almost stand the thing on its tail and climb out. I fear the good old days of airshows of that caliber are long gone.

    Free Member

    My ropey cameraphone footage of the Vulcan at Southport airshow 2012. That was supposed to be its “last ever season” too.

    The airshow commentary said that there are no spare parts, and not even the Avro blueprints survive, so each required part needs designing and fabricating.

    Dunno whether Rolls Royce still support the Olympus. But I doubt it!

    Full Member

    The apprentice and his instructor had to suffer a stern listening too whilst on the spiky chair.

    I believe the correct RAF term is “an interview without coffee or biscuits”

    Free Member

    A barrel roll is a 1G maneuver if done correctly so perfectly within the capabilities of most aircraft whether it was in the spec or not.
    I think it was Roly Falk who rolled the Vulcan at Farnborough airshow in the 1950’s

    Full Member

    A colleague at work, who knows his aviation stuff told me that the chairman of the charity was on 90K a year! (no facts to back this up mind)

    Unlikely if it is a charity since it’s illegal for trustees to be paid (other than reimbursing expenses incurred)..[/quote]

    The audited accounts (2013) state that the chairman (Robert Pleming) resigned as trustee in November 2009 and is now CEO with a salary in between £70k and £80k. Wages and salaries as a whole come to £691k for 30 staff. That’s up from 27 staff in 2012 with £609k on wages and salaries.

    Free Member

    Unfortunately to fly a complex aircraft like the Vulcan you have to have the appropriate support structures in place to keep the CAA happy – two guys in a shed just wouldn’t be acceptable.

    Thats in no way attempting to justify some of the wages being paid though..

    Full Member

    I believe the correct RAF term is “an interview without coffee or biscuits”

    I believe the correct RAF term is “an interview with hat and without coffee” 😉

    Free Member

    As a break from the Vulcan, I saw this flying the other day (not my video though)

    Flipping beautiful!

    Full Member
    Full Member

    Farewell tour THIS WEEKEND
    They are saying there will be a couple more flights in late October, but this is probably the last time the Vulcan will head North 🙁

    Full Member

    Was coming back from 4 days biking in North Wales on Sunday, pulled into the Warwick services on the M40, hopped out the car just in time to see the Vulcan do a complete display just the other side of the motorway. Perfect timing!

    3rd time I’ve seen it this year (and second complete surprise – flew over me while out walking in the New Forest too). Always get a thrill!

    Full Member

    We went down to Gaydon to watch, loads of people parked on the bridge over junction 12 and the traffic stopped (over the bridge, not on the motorway) while she was doing her thing. 🙂

    Free Member

    They are actively advising people NOT to go to Doncaster to watch it take off & land due access issues for the emergency services caused by the crowds.
    Wonderful to think so many people are still interested in this 60 year old design!
    Made my birthday this year to go and watch it at Bournemouth on the Sunday.

    Free Member

    I’m working at Cosford on Saturday and we’ll be stopping on purpose to watch it go by!

    Will be a shame to see it stop flying but it’s the best decision for safety.

    Full Member

    The Vulcan is going for its final flight in the next half hour or so. Only a 15min flight for media to capture final landing 🙁

    Full Member

    LIVE ON YOUTUBE!!!!!!!!!

    Linky now!!!!!!

    Free Member

    Blowing dust out of my screen

    Free Member

    An engineering triumph. Unlike the livestream.

    Free Member

    Livestream using ’50s technology

    Full Member

    It was going so well….

    Free Member

    According to Youtube, she will remain airborne forever, so it’s not all bad.

    Free Member

    Well I hope they do a better job of the streaming for the next flight

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