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  • No more downloading iplayer radio programmes….?
  • alpin
    Free Member


    Seems to work on my iPhone, but not with Android. I always used to be able to download when in the UK.

    Bit of a pain as the iPhone has zero storage (unless you buy into the cloud which isn’t going to help me listen to programmes off-line) and the Sony has a 64GB card stuck in it

    Why they do this?

    Want to listen to a few radio progs on the drive back from Schermany. Any way around this?

    Free Member

    Just downloaded a few last night?

    Giles Peterson and Benji B – Radio 6 and 1 respectively

    Full Member

    Download option still there, and working, on my Android/Sony.

    Just used it to download the latest episode/repeat of Cabin Pressure.

    Full Member

    It varies from programme to programme, often because of the rights issues of the music contained therein

    Free Member

    Wittertainment works ok

    Free Member

    specifically trying to download R4 Trump and Studio 54, Unbelievable Truth, etc so there shouldn’t be any problems with music rights.

    Not working for me.

    What is wittertainment?

    Free Member

    ..on the drive back from Schermany

    Are you abroad at the moment? Might that be why it won’t let you download content?

    Free Member

    Nope. In London. Flying home today and driving back Wednesday.

    Free Member

    Also working for me on Android, just downloaded Unbelievable Truth and a few other R4 comedies. Update or reinstall app?

    Free Member

    Hmm. Stopped working for me about four months ago on Android. Then I broke my phone and am currently using an HTC from 2010 so I’m not even going to try… Managed to get Audible up and running though 🙂

    Free Member

    Does Android have any localisation settings that the app may be using to determine location?

    FWIW, iPlayer has always been unstable for me on my iPhone – add in Bluetooth streaming to the car hifi and it really is a lottery as to getting playback.

    Free Member

    Does Android have any localisation settings that the app may be using to determine location?

    Donno, but it does boil my pee when I follow a link to a BBC page, paid for with UK taxes and it tells me the content is “unavailable in your country”.

    Free Member

    Are you trying to download over wifi? Is your phone actually connected on the wifi? There is a setting to only download on wifi, so if you are trying to download on the mobile network it won’t work unless you change this setting.

    Full Member

    What is wittertainment?

    The first rule of wittertainment….

    Free Member

    ….is “Hello to Jason Isaacs”

    But it’s more of a guideline, really.

    Full Member

    Dunno, but it does boil my pee when I follow a link to a BBC page, paid for with UK taxes and it tells me the content is “unavailable in your country”.

    Well, you might have done here in the UK, but not abroad, and it’s all down to local licensing and copyright.
    Same goes for US or Japanese stuff on DVD/BluRay, in particular.

    Free Member

    Pigface – Member
    Wittertainment works ok

    Yeah, but you just download wittertainment.

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