I appreciate not many of you listen to the tosh that is Radio 1 (edit: because you are all far too upper clahhhs with your audis etc etc…) but some of you may have heard this cycle challenge that Nick Grimshaw is doing (there is an advert every 30seconds about it so you must have!), don’t worry I dislike him as much as you lot do I imagine.
Anyway, point is: he says he is going to try to cycle 1000 miles in 12 hours? 😯 now how I just missed part of this challenge or have they got the challenge all wrong and were meant to say 100?
Anyone explain?
p.s. I like listening to Scott Mills mainly because of the random crap they talk about and Sarah Cox was hilarious!!!! I might have to migrate to Radio 2 with her but at the prime age of 24 I feel I am not allowed, although I do often listen to Radio 4 when I get sick of the crappy music on Radio 1.
Anyway, cycling yeh, talk to me.