(Snowboarding for 12 years, including 6 full seasons and minimum of 30+ days on snow in the years I didnt do full seasons.
I`m 5’6″ and normally ride a 155-157cm board)
I`d recommend you try a Dupraz D1
I had a Santa Cruz Guerrilla Division technical Pipe board and a Never Summer Evo and wanted something for Powder
I Demoed a 6′ D1 Standard (They are the same shape, but 3 different board stiffnesses available) as that was the best for off piste / powder
And I demoed a 5’5″ D1+ (shorter but Stiffer)
The 5’5″ was better on piste and carving but I bought the 6′ as it was a powder board I wanted
For the rest of the season I really only rode the Dupraz, its that good.
I Subsequently sold the S-Cruz and still have the Never Summer for playing on early season.
It does everything, pop is amazing, you can ride it switch no problem, landing switch is great, It carves harder than anything else I`ve ridden too.
Its a strange shape but it really makes a lot of sense and there is no weight shifting required to get the best out of it either.
HAve a look and read the technical details on the site: