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  • new bike – jump bike or 4x bike? Help me out please!
  • jairaj
    Full Member

    Howdy all,

    I need some advise what type of bike to get.

    I have Chicksands and Woburn bike parks near me. I’d like to ride those places more often and I’d like to get a bike more suitable for the kind riding they have.

    Chicksands has a 4x track, a few single track runs with jumps and a set of table tops and doubles. Woburn as lots of single track runs with jumps and lots of dirt jumps kinda like easyish slopestyle courses.

    I’ve only just started reading up on jump bikes and 4x bikes. Seems like they have similar geom. 4x bikes tend to be a bit slacker and maybe a bit longer.

    I’m edging towards a 4x bike as they tend to be able to run gears. As a noobie who has zero aspirations to become dirt jump or 4x champion of the world but just want to become competent, will either type of bike suit? Will I really notice the different geom on the 4x? i.e. it’s still a much shorter bike than a normal mtb am I really going to notice the difference in the wheel base compared to the DJ bike?

    Also any suggestions on good frames or components commonly found 2nd hand would be great or even bargains on new bikes.

    thanks in advance …

    Full Member

    A DJ bike is very focused, I’d think about something like a Kona Howler or Cowan with 4″ travel, build it fairly light with 1×10 and you could still get around on it.

    Full Member

    The 4x bike will be more stable with the longer reach/slacker head angle and will be easier to ride. I had a very short 4x bike (Morewood 4x Proto) and moved to a longer bike (Stanton 4x).

    With 26″ being unfashionable now, there will be some bargains about.

    Forks – Revelations, Pikes, Fox 34
    Frames – Quite a lot of choice
    Wheels – Something reasonably stiff, rim width isn’t too important.
    Brakes – Good brakes are essential for learning to manual!
    Gears – 9spd will be fine!
    Pedals – something grippy (also look at knee/shin pads!)

    I built this up from my parts been (leftovers from when I sold a Nukeproof Mega):

    Free Member

    XS 26″ BFe. Close the thread 😀

    Free Member

    I started with a 4x bike with gears and 2 brakes but have ended up setting it up as a jump bike (singlespeed/1 brake) as I really only ride bmx/pump tracks now.
    I’m just about to buy a dedicated jump frame so have a Dartmoor Phantom 4x frame to sell.
    Emither in profile.

    Full Member

    thanks guys looks like 4x frame is the way forward.

    Rorschach, thanks will send you a mail.

    Free Member

    You’re gonna love having a 4x bike!

    I ride a Banshee Rampant for pretty much everything – it’s great fun :mrgreen:

    I just happen to have a spare Rampant frame in short if you’re interested.

    Free Member

    man that Stanton looks a lot of fun! love the raw finish on those

    Free Member

    I was going to offer up my as new BFE, but I own a Phantom, and its an excellent frame. Also, Robs Rampant is a damn good frame as well, so I’ll leave it at that 😉

    Full Member

    I’m planning on a Transition PBJ when I’ve got some cash. Now that I’m surrounded by BMX and pump tracks it would be rude not to…

    I had a Specialised P1 but like most 26″ jump bikes it was like a big BMX. Very short and steep and really twitchy. I had to adjust my riding loads to get used to it and none of the technique crossed over to my normal bike.

    The geometry on the PBJ makes it look like one of the biggest DJ frame out there. It’s not far off reach and wheelbase of my large Bfe. So hopefully, any skills learned on the jumps will transfer easier to the trail bike.

    Full Member

    I’m a big Transition fan, I own a Bandit so would be great to get another one. But I’m a bit worried about going single speed. I think the flexibility of gears might be useful for a beginner riding variety of tracks. That was another reason I’m considering 4X frames over DJ frames.

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