what about voiding the warranty with an immediate respray..?
It wouldn’t get that far as I wouldn’t buy a bike I didn’t like the look of, and that very much includes the colour, which of course is part of the complete aesthetic. That is to say I wouldn’t buy a brand new bike I didn’t like the colour of. A used bike is a project and if I like the look of the frame, I’ll consider changing the colour as part of the build.
Some people are more visual-led, some more led by numbers, angles, geometry etc. That’s not to say I don’t consider geometry and performance, but it’s not what gets me fired up about bikes.
I’m bad for falling for bikes I just like the look of and I have to admit, I barely look at the ‘numbers’ at all beyond whether a bike is ballpark my size. In fact, whenever the talk starts going to geometry, advantages and disadvantages of this or that angle or chainstay length never mind God forbid shock-kinematics and leverage ratios etc, I seem to just glaze over 😂
The only time that colour gets trumped is when it’s a real bargain. Example being my Production Privee Oka. The original ‘classic’ grey and black was too subdued for the frames intention. I loved the look of the tubing though and knew I could sort the colour easily.
IMG_20160706_182037487-01 by blackteaonesugar[/url], on Flickr
I rode it for a while like that but it had to change. Go big or go home… 😀
POka. Shutcastle. January 2018 by blackteaonesugar[/url], on Flickr