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  • Nerf guns in the office – which model and what games?
  • geoffj
    Full Member

    It’s been suggested that we could use nerf guns in the office to add a bit of fun to proceedings.
    I feel a little long in the tooth for this kind of organised fun, but I’m prepared to be open minded.
    So, how do the games work? Which would be a decent model and any tales of woe / issues to be aware of?

    PS a ban on suits and ties is also being considered!

    Free Member

    Do you work in parliment

    Full Member

    Do you work in parliment

    Busted! 😳

    Full Member

    Games? Shoot the crap out of each other, mostly.

    What’s your budget? This:

    Is absolutely the best out of the box. £30 for a pair so not that cheap but ace.


    Is probably the best value, and fires bigger darts the size of shotgun shells that whistle as they fly past your ear. It’s also a massive cool revolver. But the darts are more expensive and more delicate.

    And this
    Is the cheap option but only comes with 2 darts. Tiny, this one.

    There’s loads of others, they all perform pretty comparably though. Unless you, frinstance, get one of the electric ones and replace the motors and battery with parts from raio controlled helicopters, but you know how it’s all fun and games til someone loses an eye? This is what they meant.

    The darts are the thing, you get just enough to fill the gun and you’ll lose or step on them really quickly. Nerf guns are basically foam crack, the gun’s not expensive but the darts cost a fortune- 25p a go or thereabouts for the small ones, 50p for the bigger ones. In the states, nerf bullets are more expensive than real bullets.

    So if you can wait, this is cheap for the big ones:

    And this is the best source for the smaller calibre ones

    These are both quality copies, but take time to arrive from abroad.

    Free Member

    I find “Nipple Bullseye” always goes down well with the laydees.

    Full Member

    Thanks NW – maybe a trip to Argos tomorrow 8)

    Full Member

    Our rule at home is no battery powered guns, otherwise it turns into a crazy arms race. Its bad enough with non-battery.
    Oh and if you want massively accurate then go for the zombie strike revolver. One evening consisted of running round shooting people in the middle of the forehead, its that accurate

    Full Member

    There’s always this…

    Free Member

    Which would be a decent model

    When in doubt – buy them all

    Full Member

    Cheers Northwind, 2 packs of the mega darts from your link, and another gun for them, for the wife (to use).
    The 200 beautiful woman small darts I ordered from your link on the previous thread, are the favourites with my Nerf war enemies.
    OP, you’ll never be too old for Nerf wars. Fact. 😀

    Full Member

    Just had nerf banned by wife after middle son run into closed front door trying to dodge a bullet mid war, cue popped eyebrow and lots of blood,(also tears of laughter)
    Had to be glued and steri stitched in A and E

    Free Member

    Free Member

    dress like

    be like this


    Free Member

    you don’t work this **** do ya?

    Free Member

    As a side arm the nerf jolt are brilliant and deliver one of the best hits.

    Full Member

    We bought a couple of these just before xmas

    And a couple of these

    which made Christmas Day an exercise of picking darts of out various meals 🙂

    Thanks for the link to the cheap darts NW. We’ve lost about half of ours. And if you don’t find them quickly, the lab eats them!

    Full Member

    You have time to play with toys at work?

    Free Member

    Didn’t realise Sugar Ape was still going.

    Full Member

    Drac – Moderator

    You have time to play with toys at work?

    Between browsing stw, sometimes.

    Free Member

    Just back from town with a few arms thanks to this thread 🙂

    The Entertainer have a few models on super cheap. £5-7.50

    The catapult style one is bobbins, but the revolver is pretty good. The single shot with laser sight (the sight is rubbish) has the best range and accuracy but is single shot.

    Free Member

    We’ve got the single shot ‘bolt’ ones currently £3.50 in sainsburys and a load of bullets off eBay. Good laugh after 5pm. Don’t have any games, just shoot each other.

    Full Member

    Also, if it’s alright by Lana Del Rey it’s alright by me

    Full Member

    You have time to play with toys at work?

    Some jobs suck and need respite.

    Free Member

    My daughter has a nerf bow which I prefer to the guns.

    Full Member

    My kids are 4.5 and 3.5

    What’s the best options for them? Don’t want to have a war with them but shooting inanimate options etc sounds amusing. They need to be able to pull the trigger

    Full Member

    Ooh, depends on the kids that. The rebelle guns are marketed for girls so there’s quite a lot of pink and purple going on, some boys might object… but they’ve mostly got smaller grips and less reach to the triggers etc. It’s not just bikes that pink-it-and-shrink-it.

    I think maybe the Reflex? They sell it in most big tescos so easy to find one to check out. The little jolt, too, but it has a fairly stiff trigger. And anything else that looks like the jolt- they do a lot of “reshelling”, just putting the same internals into different cases for different markets so there’s maybe 6 or 7 different versions.

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