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  • Nerf gun bullets . . . . bulk buying?
  • adjustablewench
    Free Member

    Getting the house ready for the now annual nerf gun war that breaks out at Christmas.

    I think there are enough weapons for my 4 and a couple of their friends that are over too . . .but I think we need to restock on the bullets.

    I have seen bulk packs on eBay – are these the right size (not sure if they are genuine nerf bullets) – I don’t want to jam up the guns. Anyone had experience of these?

    Edit sorry – please move to chat šŸ™‚

    Full Member

    When I’m not fapping about tyres on here, I run for reasons I don’t fully understand a nerf gun-running ebay store, so, unleash the nerd!

    You want these, called koosh, unless you use the drum magazines:

    They tend to stick in the drums but they’re child-safe and actually work better than genuine nerf darts, as well as being 1/4 the price. They shoot a little further and a lot straighter, and work in absolutely everything that uses the small darts- even the old dart tags and that.

    If you do use the drums, you want these, called voberry for some reason:
    These are also a soft child-safe tip, they’re pretty similiar to the genuine darts. And 1/5th the price of hasbro kiddie crack.

    Most of the really cheap darts have a solid tip and you don’t want that unless they’re older kids and wear eye protection, and even then it’s a bit iffy. Even most adult/student (*) games shy away from them, they bloody hurt and they can damage furnishings etc. And also the quality’s incredibly up and down. So basically, don’t

    (* well, adult is debatable. But you know what I mean.)

    Now obviously the thing here is, you can’t get any of these from hong kong in time for christmas. And the other thing is, while there’s UK vendors, there’s variants and good and bad versions of all of these and you can easily buy something that looks identical, but isn’t. (for the first link, there’s identical looking darts with bad foam; for the second, often vendors advertise these soft ones but send hard ones. It’s a total pain in the arse to be honest)

    But I’ve got hundreds of ’em for my ebay gunrunning so I could fire you some on at cost and I’ll just restock myself… Drop me an email on if you want ’em!

    If you need the big red ones or the discs, you’re boned I think.

    Free Member

    Brilliant thanks – hadn’t thought about hardness, which maybe i should have considering one of my boys has already had his eyes moved about following an accident.

    have dropped you an email šŸ™‚

    Free Member


    Free Member

    xmas at Adjustable’s then šŸ˜†

    Full Member

    molgrips – Member


    I bet 1 scottish pound it’s a fat dude. There’s another seller of the same ones, Yutoys, if you have a problem with beautiful women. Called Derek.

    Full Member

    It’s literally unbelievable who you find on this forum.

    Ask a question about Nerf guns and your first reply is from someone who runs a Nerf shop.

    Free Member

    It’s literally unbelievable who you find on this forum.

    Ask a question about Nerf guns and your first reply is from someone who runs a Nerf shop.

    My thoughts exactly! I love this place sometimes!

    Free Member

    Ask a question about Nerf guns and your first reply is from someone who runs a Nerf shop.

    A Nerf Herder?
    Please tell me he’s scruffy lookin’?
    Stuck up?
    Half witted?


    Full Member

    A Nerf Herder?

    You can’t use that word. That’s OUR word.

    Free Member

    Christmas nerf war is definitely the way forward – the kids look forward to it as much as the presents (well most of them do the larger hungover ones take a little longer to get in the spirt of it – but hey they shouldn’t celebrate so much on Xmas eve!)

    I am usually safe in the kitchen with my chefs hat

    Free Member

    Excellent topic! I need to buy some nerf guns – where is the best place to buy them?

    Full Member

    Just the usual suspects- amazon, supermarkets, toy shops, argos, also house of fraser and john lewis. Not ebay generally, stupidly expensive.

    Full Member

    Just to add (since I’ve had some other requests šŸ˜‰ )

    If you do want to get them off ebay or amazon in the UK, there’s 2 things to look for.

    The best darts- the top link, called koosh, with the sort of hairy tip- are a slightly iffy buy because there’s 3 versions and the earlier ones weren’t great. I had a look on ebay just now and I couldn’t find any UK suppliers I’m confident of.

    The second best darts- the second link, called voberries, that look more like genuine darts- are easier. Basically what you’re looking for is a little hole in the side of the tip. Like in this picture:
    If you can’t see the hole in the seller’s image, in every pic on their page, assume they’re hard tip. But there’s a few people selling these, looks like.

    When you’ve got the luxury of time, just get em from the links I gave, that’s what I do, takes a few weeks normally.

    Full Member

    Also this dude seems alright:
    Good price assuming he sends what’s in the photos- that’s actually cheaper than I paid from china. Some of the amazon dudes have different colours too but I don’t know if they’re the same

    Free Member

    Looks up Nerf Guns…. 8)

    Full Member

    How can it possibly be Ā£1.53 for 50 including postage!?

    Full Member

    Go on, tell us how many you buy from China at a time. Your first post has to be one of the best on here for some time, just wasn’t expecting that šŸ™‚

    Free Member

    AlexSimon – Member
    How can it possibly be Ā£1.53 for 50 including postage!?

    someone stands in china and fires them in your general direction

    Full Member

    I was litereally looking at bulk buying nerf bullets yesterday…
    I want to make a huge hoppered gun, with ‘twin roller’ firing mechanism, and basically empty out 300 in a matter of minutes.
    As does my son!!


    Full Member

    AlexSimon – Member

    How can it possibly be Ā£1.53 for 50 including postage!?

    Made of baby tears. The real question is, how do Hasbro sell 30 for Ā£9.99? It’s the economics of drug addiction. Buy a gun for Ā£4 that comes with 2 bullets, lose them instantly.

    @Leffe, I don’t buy that many really, 500 at a time- I don’t sell the darts themselves, I just need them to sell with the guns. Plus personal use obvs.

    @DrP, you need the Boomco Massive Cock And Rotating Balls, ejaculates 72 darts at a time

    Got to be careful what angle you take the photo from.

    Or go full ghostbusters.


    Full Member

    perchypanther – Member
    A Nerf Herder?
    Please tell me he’s scruffy lookin’?
    Stuck up?
    Half witted?


    Sounds pretty accurate to me.

    Free Member

    If your going to get a nerf….go for the elite or mega…the mega is th best

    I just sold all my sons nstrike guns….just no power…..
    But if you have nstrike guns…..put the elite darts in them for a bit more ummpf…..the secret is there chamber in the dart is hollow all the way up…from what I can work out anyway

    Free Member

    He’s at least good for two of those descriptions.

    Free Member

    I want to make a huge hoppered gun, with ‘twin roller’ firing mechanism, and basically empty out 300 in a matter of minutes.

    It should be designed around one of those CO2 cannisters from a Soda Stream.

    Full Member

    Too wee… The australians go for this stuff big style, I saw one where a guy was using a fire extinguisher as his air supply. “I tried with higher air pressure but it made the foam explode”

    Full Member

    Cheers Northwind, I’ve just ordered 200 bullets from the top link.
    Fortunately, our house has Nerf wars every time our 8 year old nephew stays for the weekend, ie. every 2 or 3 weeks. Hence, I need one of the 72 shot guns, do you sell them?

    Free Member

    We’ve got 3 nerf guns in the house, one each..
    One is a CS18 which is a full auto electric firing gun. So talking of foam hardness..
    With the genuine nerf darts after so many uses they start to go soft, this then let’s them fold up and jam in the gun.
    Any better quality darts that might hold up better?

    Full Member

    chipster, That’s a boomco one, it doesn’t shoot nerf bullets tragically šŸ™ You could always go full hailfire:

    And, er, also buy 8 18-dart clips, which is expensive, even used. But gives you 144 shots. And your arrows shall block out the sun!

    Golddigger, for that rapidstrike get the top link I posted. They don’t really last much better, they just cost less so it’s less depressing when they die. And they should jam less in general just because of the different design. All the darts are made of foam so they’ve got a definite lifespan, if you can avoid stepping on em it helps though.

    I’m mostly closed up til the new year but mostly I sell used and recon stuff, not much new. Accessories and stocks and that

    Full Member

    Reasons to love STW #78.

    Bloke wants an insurgency’s worth of Nerf bullets for a christmas ding-dong. Fellow mountain biker is international Nerf arms dealer. I frikkin love this place.

    Free Member

    And still he finds time to be a global authority on mtb tyres.

    Free Member

    Bought Smith junior a job lot off Ebay, tips hard as hell, we now battle with safety glasses on!!!

    Full Member

    Added this thread to my favourites. My 9yr old won’t know what’s hit him.. 8)

    Full Member

    We always wanted a Nerf grenade.

    Fire in the hole!


    Full Member

    this thread has me giggling so hard. I didn’t know I wanted a Nerf quite as much as this

    Full Member

    The Chinese Nerf bullets have just been delivered, the nephew will be here shortly.
    It’s going to be a hectic weekend of war!

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