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  • Neighbour shooting pigeons. Best course of action ?
  • mountainman
    Full Member

    Surprised no-one mentioned Pigeon Pie ,stout gravy goes well too.

    Free Member

    he can come to my house and shoot my flock if he likes. I still have an annual problem around May/June where they poo all over my garden.

    Free Member

    It’s only a matter of time before they run out of neighbours and you’re next. Preemptive strike against the feathered assassins.

    Free Member

    Had a word with him, he obviously denied all knowledge.

    Could have been his son I suppose. Or he’s just a big kid who can’t just be honest and say “sorry about that – it won’t happen again”.

    Either way, I doubt he’ll do it again.

    Full Member

    “Obviously a high powered air rifle” – I’d take issue with that, anyone over 21 can walk into a gun shop and buy an air rifle of up to 12 ft/lb power. With a decent pellet, more than enough to shoot small quarry up to 30 yards.

    You’ve done the right thing OP – talking to neighbours is always the best course of action, you have to live next door.

    As stated several times, gun laws and shooting pests are actually quite unrestrictive in the UK. If it was him he may not (probably) won’t have broken any laws, though I appreciate it is unsociable.

    Free Member

    I’d take issue with that, anyone over 21 can walk into a gun shop and buy an air rifle of up to 12 ft/lb power

    18 where I’m from 😉

    Hatsan 60S – good for nigh on the limit and a snip at only £150. Amazing what you can get considering the dross that’s also available.

    Full Member

    My mistake. 18 indeed.

    Free Member

    As stated several times, gun laws and shooting pests are actually quite unrestrictive in the UK. If it was him he may not (probably) won’t have broken any laws, though I appreciate it is unsociable.

    Apart from the bit about the pellets leaving your land, though he did seem to try and cunningly hide them inside the pigeon, been a while since I shot an air rifle but is it powerful enough to kick a pigeon back a few feet?

    Full Member

    I wouldn’t have said so if at legal limit, and even if over, the pellet won’t have that much force, they might flap and hop about a bit before keeling over if it’s not a head shot though.

    Free Member

    His demeanour and personal habits are none of your business. Pigeons are rats with wings. If it’s dead and on your lawn, chuck it back over the fence for him to deal with, he shot it.

    If it’s not dead, break it’s neck to put it out of it’s misery (I’ve done this to a variety of animals) and then chuck it over the fence.

    Job done.

    Free Member

    are they feral pigeons or wood pigeons?

    Full Member

    Wife was there=denied all knowledge

    Free Member

    Its a Hollywood myth that people (or animals) go flying when they get shot. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction so if a person getting shot is thrown three feet then the shooter must move a similar distance.

    “Assuming the gun and shooter are at rest, the force on the bullet is equal to that on the gun-shooter. This is due to Newton’s third law of motion (For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction). Consider a system where the gun and shooter have a combined mass M and the bullet has a mass m. When the gun is fired, the two systems move away from one another with new velocities V and v respectively. But the law of conservation of momentum states that the magnitudes of their momenta must be equal:

    Since force equals the rate of change in momentum and the initial momenta are zero, the force on the bullet must therefore be the same as the force on the gun/shooter.

    Gunshot victims frequently fall or collapse when shot; this is less a result of the momentum of the bullet pushing them over, but is primarily caused by physical damage or psychological effects, perhaps combined with being off balance. This is not the case if the victim is hit by heavier projectiles such as 20 mm cannon shell, where the momentum effects can be enormous; this is why very few such weapons can be fired without being mounted on a weapons platform or involve a recoilless system (e.g. a recoilless rifle).”

    Free Member

    what if the shooter is on a conveyor belt?

    Full Member

    What about if the shooter and the pigeon are both flying in the back of a container on a truck?

    Free Member

    Was the pigeon checking its emails?

    Free Member

    Plenty of recoilless and semi air rifles out there. Also a difference between taking a hit you are expecting and one you’re not.

    And yes, 24ftlb is garden variety FAC level, not unknown for high 30’s in larger calibres (smaller go faster and pellets really don’t like going super sonic).

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