Some updates going live in a few hours…
Should work on little phones.
Added feature where a message is sent if you do not reach a point before a specified time.
A default number needs to be specified, an SMS is sent if you dont get to the point before the time specified, the message says “Did not reach point (location name). Current location is (google map reference to location(.
Added a “share” button for instantly sharing your location via Facebook etc
Added flags to automatically create a message for when you enter or leave a hotspot.
The app always sends a message/does action when you enter a hotspot, if you tick the enter box then it just defaults the message sent to “Arrived at (location name). You then dont need to enter a message.
If you tick the “leave” box it will generate a message when you leave the hotspot. It’ll just say “Left (location name)”
When the background job is active you have a bike whizzing across the status screen.