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  • My daughter sees ghosts
  • chewkw
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    Junkyard – lazarus
    SO all we need is enough serious people to say it then its true
    The problem her is the serious people – what exactly does this actually mean- are about 1% ghosts 995 not ghosts

    No, you still go through my checklist.

    Not one of them can be replicated under controlled experimental conditions

    Yes, that’s the standard line of argument but my view is that:

    1. Somehow I think “they” do not want to become a circus act. Remember they were once like us.

    2. I think the equipment we use to detect is not up to the job. i.e. why pump cash into advancing research into making instrument to detect them anyway? They are dead!

    Hence, this topic will never be understood accurately.

    There is no proof of ghosts there are only folk who want to believe.

    Better that way coz knowledge can be a dangerous thing in the hand of the positivists.

    Free Member

    Spooky reading is fun and get the heeby jeebies.

    Not enough evidence otherwise we’d believe in Santa or Fairies!

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    The wife went to check on the boy when we went to bed last night. She was hit in the leg by a flying paint pot travelling at knee height. The boy was sound asleep and it didn’t come from his direction. The paint pot had previously been in a sealed box.

    Free Member

    The wife went to check on the boy when we went to bed last night. She was hit in the leg by a flying paint pot travelling at knee height. The boy was sound asleep and it didn’t come from his direction. The paint pot had previously been in a sealed box.

    Edit: actually. Even to you who I have known so long I think that joke might not really work that well.

    Full Member

    Whilst I am a total sceptic and don’t ‘feel’ or ‘see’ things, we did get locked out of our shop by a key turned in a mortice lock from the inside once. Things flew around a bit too. The shop was on Shoreditch High Street, so we’d put that down to traffic. Then there was the Strauss incident. My ex got a new CD player and was very proud. He put some Strauss on to test it. But we wanted to leave before the disc was finished. Turned it off. It popped back on again. After an off / on battle that lasted long enough for us to decide we weren’t entirely in control, we left it on. Saying that it didn’t matter as long as it was off by morning. Which it was.

    It did feel as though the building grumbled a bit about our arrival, then kind of shrugged and let us get on with it, flying stuff diminished with time. Maybe it liked Strauss.

    But I don’t believe in ghosts per se. After all, a lot of people have died and surely there’d be more about if that’s what happens to us. So it’s down as an unexplained experience for me.

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    Harry_the_Spider – Member

    Let’s see if the entity get a bit more aggressive. Sometimes they start slowly but gradually get worst.

    Clover – Member
    But I don’t believe in ghosts per se. After all, a lot of people have died and surely there’d be more about if that’s what happens to us. So it’s down as an unexplained experience for me.

    There are more but they have moved on but some are also being “incarcerated”. You do not have to believe in ghosts but you need to promise yourself (assume that there is ghost and if you die) that you will not come back to beg for “help” from, to attract attention or to make contact good or bad with the living.

    Full Member

    Or looked at a bit more optimistically, you rustle the dust and then it settles. Having taken in some Strauss.

    As an aside, the place was built in the 18th century from the remains of the previous church and over part of the graveyard. Anyone buried there would have predated Strauss. Among the denizens was Shakespearan actor Richard Burbage. I wouldn’t have minded sharing a bit of romantic era music with him.

    Free Member

    Clover – Member
    Or looked at a bit more optimistically, you rustle the dust and then it settles. Having taken in some Strauss.

    Or you can experiment with music by playing Babymetal’s Gimme Chocolate at vol 9. See if the music stops?

    As an aside, the place was built in the 18th century from the remains of the previous church and over part of the graveyard. Anyone buried there would have predated Strauss. Among the denizens was Shakespearan actor Richard Burbage. I wouldn’t have minded sharing a bit of romantic era music with him.

    That make sense. If you look at my check list that is one of the reason.

    Anyway, try blasting Babymetal loud to see if you can “wake someone up” … see if you get a slap or bruises appearing on your body. Introduce them to metal. i.e. see if Richard Burbage likes metal music.

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    The former caretaker at my mum’s church has often been spotted apparently, despite being dead for 30 odd years. My mum said he used to spend all his time there dusting things and pottering about when he was alive to escape his ghastly family. After his death when his worst daughter moved away, and therefore left the church, he started to appear. Been spotted by loads of people including the yoga class who didn’t know him when he was alive.

    Nice bloke by all accounts, very friendly and he keeps the place tidy.

    Free Member

    i have the opposite problem a messy ghost who leaves bike bits all over the house 😉

    Free Member

    Harry_the_Spider – Member
    The former caretaker at my mum’s church has often been spotted apparently, despite being dead for 30 odd years. My mum said he used to spend all his time there dusting things and pottering about when he was alive to escape his ghastly family. When his worst daughter moved away, and therefore left the church, he started to appear. Been spotted by loads of people including the yoga class who didn’t know him when he was alive.

    Nice bloke by all accounts, very friendly and he keeps the place tidy. The daughter sounds like a nightmare whilst the caretaker just wants to in peace gardening. Most souls are fine sharing with people so long as they respect each others’ space but if one side “demands more” knowing or unknowingly that’s where the problem starts.

    Full Member

    She was horrendous. Used to bully him something rotten according to my mum, that’s why he used to hide in the church. She married some poor sod and moved south leaving him, and everyone else, in peace.

    Full Member

    We didn’t try metal. An eclectic collection of English folk, Bach, romantics. My ex had a bit of a thing about Parsifal. I guess nothing was objectionable.

    I’ve got pretty fond memories of the place, used to run a little gallery in it and it was lovely.

    Full Member

    Funny thing about ghosts: why aren’t there lots more of them?

    Current world population is 7.4 Billion people and it’s pretty crowded in some places – so considering how many people have lived and died through the millennia shouldn’t we be seeing ghosts pretty much everywhere we look?

    (And that’s before we consider animal, plant and bacteria ghosts!)

    Free Member

    My wife swears she has witnessed ghosts. She is “sensitive” to stuff like that. She claims to “feel” if something bad has happened in a place, and every time we look into it she’s right. Has happened too many times now for me to completely dismiss it, though I would call myself a skeptic to the core…

    Free Member

    GrahamS – Member
    Funny thing about ghosts: why aren’t there lots more of them?

    Many are being incarcerated for past bad deeds.
    The good ones will also not be with us coz they are above us.
    The time span for incarceration can be very long for some. i.e. uncountable but not permanent.
    Same length of time apply to those above us.

    Animal and bacteria are just forms of beings but not plant.

    skidsareforkids – Member
    My wife swears she has witnessed ghosts. She is “sensitive” to stuff like that. She claims to “feel” if something bad has happened in a place, and every time we look into it she’s right. Has happened too many times now for me to completely dismiss it, though I would call myself a skeptic to the core…

    She is gifted if that is the case so able to sense them or to sense the location. If you cross check or investigate the information and she is right then you are not behaving rationally to dismiss her. Skeptic is one thing but completely ignore information in front of you is just wrong. Don’t believe me then try go against her “feeling” as experiment to see if something happens.

    Full Member

    Funny thing about ghosts: why aren’t there lots more of them?

    And (as pointed out on XKCD) at least half the (alive) population of the planet have smartphones that can take photos. So how come there aren’t heaps of photos of ghosts?

    Perhaps because…they don’t exist?

    Full Member

    The former caretaker at my mum’s church has often been spotted apparently, despite being dead for 30 odd years. My mum said he used to spend all his time there dusting things and pottering about when he was alive to escape his ghastly family. When his worst daughter moved away, and therefore left the church, he started to appear.

    Perhaps he faked his own death to escape his awful daughter?

    Free Member

    A friends daughter of a little younger than that used to tell us all of the man and lady that used to sit at the bottom of her bed. She described them in great detail. She wasn’t particularly bothered by it either.
    We did a bit of research because we were intrigued due to the detail, we got it down to something around english civil war type clothing. Then after a chance look in the Leeds museum, we found that where the flats were built was an old civil war battle site. The road was also called Boggart Hill, which we later found out that the word Boggart is an old word for a hobgoblin or ghost. So maybe some history of that sort of stuff in the area. 😯

    Free Member

    I wish I didn’t read that late at night and on my own where the ticking clock sounds super loud now 🙁

    It’s not true but the mind plays tricks…

    Free Member

    Enjoy it whilst is lasts, one day she’ll realise that it’s human nature that is scary – not ghosts. All the horrors you could ever imagine, reside right here in the material world.

    I wish I could be scared of ghosts again!

    “Maybe all men got one big soul everybody’s a part of, all faces are the same man” – The Thin Red Line/The Grapes of Wrath

    Free Member

    Frankenstein – Member
    I wish I didn’t read that late at night and on my own where the ticking clock sounds super loud now

    It’s not true but the mind plays tricks… Sometimes the mind plays tricks on you but sometimes they are really there. If they are in your house they will soon let you know if they like or dislike you.

    Tom_W1987 – Member
    Enjoy it whilst is lasts, one day she’ll realise that it’s human nature that is scary – not ghosts. All the horrors you could ever imagine, reside right here in the material world.

    I wish I could be scared of ghosts again!

    “Maybe all men got one big soul everybody’s a part of, all faces are the same man” – The Thin Red Line/The Grapes of Wrath Ghosts have a reason for showing their present but usually they will not harm you unless you challenge them. Human, on the other, will cause you harm due to greed and they are much scarier than ghosts. For the scientifically incline how about a bet? If it is real then at the Gate just said to the Gate keepers you own Chewkw an apology and will repay him as an employee in one of the future life. If it is unreal then you have nothing to worry coz you are already fertiliser. 😛

    Free Member

    one day she’ll realise that it’s human nature that is scary – not ghosts

    But the OP said she isn’t scared of the ghosts 😉

    Apparently at any point in time there are between 3-5 serial killers in the UK 😯

    Being more scared of people that are alive than dead is definitely more rational!

    Full Member

    But the OP said she isn’t scared of the ghosts

    She isn’t. She (and we) were more scared that there was clouding in her eyes. As her eyes are fine she (and we) are relieved that it is just “ghosts”.

    Until they started throwing things.

    The wife is still a bit “spooked”.

    Free Member

    Frankenstein – Member
    I wish I didn’t read that late at night and on my own where the ticking clock sounds super loud now
    It’s not true but the mind plays tricks…

    Get yourself over to r/nosleep on reddit. Some cracking stories on there.

    Free Member

    Have a coffee….

    Sppooky Ghost Coffee by SGMTB[/url], on Flickr

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    redthunder – Member
    Have a coffee….

    Ya, ya … you have lousy latte art. 😆

    Free Member

    I’m hoping for an Elvis coffee 🙂

    Free Member

    redthunder – Member

    I’m hoping for an Elvis coffee

    Even my tea latte or latte tea is better looking than yours! 😆

    Free Member

    When I first met Mrs Bees she was sharing a maisonette with a friend. At the time I would have described myself as a non-believer in ghosts. She described some spooky experiences they had in the house and I thought nothing more of it. However ghost activity became more and more common. Here are some of the highlights –
    Waking up to find a dark figure sitting upright in the bed next to Mrs Bee.
    Waking up to find a dark shape hovvering above.
    Coming home to find upstairs double glazed windows wide open in winter.
    Woken by a loud crash in kitchen in the middle of the night. The swing bin was lying in the middle of the kitchen.
    Friend having his necklace pulled back tight whilst alone making tea in the kitchen.
    Same friend was woken in bed by the sound of fingers drumming at the end of the bed. The noise moved up the bed getting louder, until it stopped and he felt a hand go up into his armpit. He was scared sh****less !
    It was no joke and they had to move out as none of us wanted to sleep there any more.

    Free Member

    thebees – Member
    It was no joke and they had to move out as none of us wanted to sleep there any more.

    You could have invited some of the STW skeptics to spend a few nights there alone! To see what excuses they can come up with … 😆

    Free Member

    Harry when we first moved in a load of Noah the Ark toy figures were crammed into a small box/lid shut in the middle of my son’s bedroom floor. I asked if MrsH or he might have done it? No. I asked as no matter what I couldn’t make most of them fit. I tried again/still couldn’t. Someone had. My son was 1yr old at the time. Maybe he’s a genius? No evidence of this since 😆

    We also have the remote putting itself in a certain place. Noises in kitchen during night with a recent ‘voice’ which I think I posted about on here last month. Maybe they only appear to certain people (blood type?) etc

    Free Member

    Used to hear noises in the kitchen all the time. But never when anybody was in there 🙁

    Seems to have stopped recently.

    House…. 1870’ish

    ps and it wasn’t the coffee machine 😉

    Free Member

    I’ve explored disused mental asylums alone. At night. I’ve wandered about in the woods with no torch. I’ve been in castles and stately homes which are supposed to be haunted. And I’ve seen things – humanlike shapes and shadows, things moving out of the corner of my eye. And I’ve heard things – tapping noises, what sounded like footsteps, voices on the edge of hearing.

    But, looking again an investigating, none of those things were really ghosts. They were my mind playing tricks. Ive never seen a “real” ghost.

    Most freaky was in an old shipyard office with a suspended ceiling. In the middle of the room, I could suddenly hear tapping and scuttling noises above the ceiling. Then from another direction. Then lots more, all around. All I could think of was that scene in Aliens where the aliens are above the ceiling.

    Of course it was pigeons 😉

    Free Member

    bencooper – Member
    But, looking again an investigating, none of those things were really ghosts. They were my mind playing tricks. Ive never seen a “real” ghost.

    As far as ghost is concerned you have plenty in Scot-Land …

    You have nothing to fear if they are not real so try this …

    1. Go to Scot-Land most haunted location then challenge the entity. If they are real you will feel them if not then nothing come off it. No fear.

    2. Provoke them. Say something that challenge their core or anything most offensive to the Scots do that see if you get reaction.

    Then report back …

    Free Member

    Well I saw one in the attic of a training colleague on a winters evening. Someone in black walked on past me through the door (only access was a wooden creaking staircase). I mentioned this to my trainer and he pointed me to a Security guard who had worked on site for 20yrs who had seen a dark figure stop look towards him then walk off two floors down in the same building.

    As I’m a nosey bugger I sought him out and the look on the blokes face told me he didn’t doubt what he saw. Could be mind tricks, after all there’s a morgue slab in the basement where they use to lay up the previous occupiers and maybe we felt ‘spooked’ when alone in there enough for your mind to play tricks? A figure dressed in black twice though? Why not a white appertition, man dressed in old clothes etc?

    Free Member

    hora – Member
    A figure dressed in black twice though? Why not a white appertition, man dressed in old clothes etc?

    They come in various forms … white, black or normal clothes etc depending on their condition or perhaps how they want you to see them.

    Me mate the boy racer in the far east once saw a lady floating pass him in front of him on the road without legs (he could not see them clearly) … freaked him out … never again would he stay longer than 9pm.

    Free Member

    I had two friends at university who when we all first met at the freshens fair or whatever , we all got chatting about where we were from etc , and it turned out they had both lived in the same house in Devon at different periods of their lives . I’ll never forget it , when they both started talking about the cold room upstairs that no one wanted to sleep in , and they both looked at each other and said at the same time ” and did you hear the crying baby and the footsteps” .

    Same reason both families moved out .

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    howsyourdad1 – Member
    … ” and did you hear the crying baby and the footsteps” Same reason both families moved out .

    I think they wanted help i.e. someone to help them move on or show them the way …

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