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  • My daughter sees ghosts
  • McHamish
    Free Member

    Also, the sequel will reveal more and will confirm whether your Aunt is a witch.

    Probably just wait for that to be released.

    Full Member

    Where are all the cavrmen ghosts?

    Good point. Who gets to stay behind?

    Free Member

    I was on a residential trip with 40 8-9 year olds last week. The first morning was rife with stories of someone seeing a “black figure in the corner of the room,” during the night. Within about 20 mins virtually everyone had seen something.

    Everyone forgot about it until the next night when about 20 mins after lights out we were in the teachers lounge. A couple of the girls came down in tears complaining that they could see the “black figure” in the corner of the room. One of my colleagues snapped back…

    “don’t be so silly, everyone knows ghosts are white!” *

    I nearly spat my drink out laughing.

    * The colleague then went to the girls room had the whole trick of light talk. Turning lights on and off until they all realised it was someone’s coat hanging off the corner of a bunkbed!

    Free Member

    Where are all the cavrmen ghosts?

    In caves?

    Full Member

    do you read horoscopes to.

    hahahaha…no. I’m a hardcore scientist, (like a normal scientist, but listen to black flag) hence my awareness of such studies where professional radiologists looking for lung cancer nodes will not identify or report a gorilla in the x-rays even when eye tracking shows that they have seen it an so on.

    Full Member

    “Mrs Cutter” at my friends house (when we were growing up) used to unroll all of the toilet paper and then stack it up, perfectly folded on the floor. Could never understand the point of all that effort.
    Hearing my kids talk to people in their rooms when there was no one there took a bit of getting used to.

    Full Member

    If you live in an old house believe in things a six year old tells you it’s just one of those things, you get used to it in the end and they are pretty easy to ignore.


    Free Member

    My 6 year old and her friends assist the fairies that live in the school orchard. I’m not entirely sure why the fairies need help but I blame the Rainbow Magic books:

    We have to write letters from ‘fairies’ most nights as well as provide spells for our girls’ spell books partly thanks to the same books.

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    Full Member

    In a previous house:

    Next door neighbours teenage daughter killed herself in her bedroom, shortly after this family moved out and new family with 2 young kids moved in. These kids would not go into the bedroom where she killed herself because of a ghost. (new family had zero knowledge of suicide) SPOOKY!

    Full Member

    My 8 year old recently had a dream about a land called Doughnuttydoo, where everything was made out of doughnuts.

    She is her Daddys girl.

    Free Member

    When my youngest daughter was about 4 or 5, she used to see what she (and then we) called ‘dotsies’ floating about her room in the dark when we put her to bed. They were bright coloured spots of light, at first we thought it was her getting confused with having her eyes adapting to the dark or some kind of eye problem, but we ruled that out for definite. We could be lying on the bed with one of us next to us and she’d say they were there. She liked them, they didn’t keep her awake, so we left her to it.

    Years later when the girls were both at secondary school (and we’d had an extension and my daughter had moved into another room) it came out over tea one night that they’d given a name to ‘Gertrude’ the spirit that haunts that room.They were very matter of fact about it, and they are well-adjusted kids.
    Occasionally when my wife is snoring badly I’ll sleep in what is now the spare room, it’s slightly un-nerving, but Gertrude has done none of us any harm. My wife refuses to sleep in there though when I’m snoring!

    Free Member

    I saw the saw a very distinct ‘figure’ (the shadow of a woman wearing a Victorian high-waisted dress and hood) twice in our 40s/50s house when I was about 8/9. It didn’t scare me and it didn’t appear malevolent, so nothing was done.

    We have over 70 of them :-/

    Yeah, that beats me. 😯

    Free Member

    I’ve seen a documentary on this before


    don’t worry, i’m pretty sure it was all fine in the end

    Free Member

    Best ghost story I heard was from a Boer war cemetary beside the railway near a place called Vaterval Onder in South Africa. Friends of mine own a lodge there and the cemetary is an interesting place where they sometimes take visitors. One visitor went with her son aged about five. They’d been there a while when the boy asked: “Mummy, what are those soldiers doing?” When the Mum asked who he meant he described three characters in British Boer War uniform, two lounging under a tree and one standing by smoking. When the Mum asked what they were doing he replied that they seemed to be waiting for somebody. What’s convincing is that he later described the uniform accurately to my friends despite having no interest in wars, armies or militaria. Gives me goose-bumps even now.

    Free Member

    “Where are all the cavrmen ghosts?”

    I once slept on a robbed out Neolithic burial mound.

    I was a bit spooked at pissing off the original occupant.

    During the night my phone lost signal once or twice. On my way home I fell off my bike…

    Makes you think.

    Free Member

    Makes you think.

    That you were drunk? 😉

    Free Member

    If it bothers you just move to a newer house.

    Our house is from the 70’s, we moved in last year and proceeded to sample all the local takeaways. After one particularly hot curry we were upstairs in the bedroom and I looked up to see a ~5yr old kid in the doorway, not a shadow, not a shaft of light and some dust, a kid stood in the hallway watching me. Strange trying to see it (and it was still there if I looked away and looked back), rationalize it as a mix of way to much capsicum and a few beers and not freak out. The brains a wierd thing!

    Neighbors (who’ve lived there since before the house was built) haven’t mentioned any deaths!

    Full Member

    Him – Daddy, tell me a story about the ninjas. The fire ninjas. Cooking bacon. On Lego.
    Me – The fire ninjas cooking bacon on lego?

    Sounds like a load of blocks to me.

    Free Member

    Don’t watch:

    Malvern Rider
    Free Member

    We used to live in an old converted Victorian girl’s school. MR junior’s gf swore she saw a ‘little boy’ standing at the edge of her bed, on and off throughout the night. One sunny morning on waking I saw the very distinct silhouette of a dreadfully thin (bald?) person reflected in the (powered-off) CRT television screen. It was peering through the open bedroom doorway, craning it’s neck around as if looking in on me. There was nothing there when I rolled over and looked behind me to the now empty doorway. Really freaked me out as I ran into the other room to find Mrs MR properly ensconced, not having moved in the last 10 mins or so.

    She too saw a number of small shadowy figures over the 10 years we lived there. The house had frosted/stained internal glass windowed internal doors, and at least once a week we would see something ‘walk’ past in the hallway, often stopping at the lounge door and just stand as if looking in at us. So often, and so clearly that I used to double check all of the cupboards before locking up at nights in case of an intruder hiding out. I even became paranoid that a neighbour was sneaking in and hiding in rooms. Nothing was ever resolved. Guests too would regularly see the shapes in the hall through the lounge door glass and say ‘oh, who was that?’.

    One evening whilst alone Mrs MR saw what she now laughinglycalls ‘hessian man’. It startled her in the passageway outside of the kitchen as she glanced out. ‘I can’t describe it, it just looked like a figure of a man or woman, but it was indescribable, hazy, but more visible than mist, and seemed to be rocking slightly.’

    Shortly after moving into the property (again, in the passageway), I distinctly heard a girl’s voice in my right ear call ‘Moll-eeee?’, in a sing-song, beckoning, slightly mocking fashion. Our adopted cat was called Molly. (She was killed shortly after by a car speeding out front, coincidentally.) At first I thought it must have been Mrs MR in the bathroom, calling for our cat in a silly voice, yet the sound was right in my ear as if there was a girl standing next to me. Then I remembered Mrs MR wasn’t there. Have tried to tie all these down to visual and auditory hallucinations, but part of me has a ‘what if?’ feeling that maybe we sometimes experience a ‘fuzzy’ interface with other times? ie past or future occupants of a certain place may be visible, even though years apart. What if time was like a coiled slinky spring and where the coils sit close together there is some interference? So our Victorian (?) ‘fuzzy residents’ could themselves see us 21st century fuzzy residents? Or maybe it’s just the brain playing tricks, as others have said. But if there are such things as ‘ghosts’, I’d more readily believe them to be living, albeit in a different time.

    Free Member

    My Mum aged 86 believes she has something in her cottage, which is over 300 years old. On the window sill in the dining room she has photographs of her marriage to my Dad and much latter re-marriage to her second husband, now also deceased. On two separate occasions she has heard a bang from in another room and gone to investigate; the first time she found the first photo frame disassembled, with the little metal tabs bent back, lying on the floor and the second time it was the second photo frame, also with the metals tabs bent back. She lives alone, so who would have done that?

    Free Member

    Old relative used to see figures on the landing, but then he had dementia.

    Arguably the reason is the same as for kids, a less developed or damaged brain stumbles on recognition and attempts to recognise shadows or objects as people.

    Free Member

    I reckon we are all dead our maybe in a type of coma. These visions are all memories or some sort of confusions/parallels.
    All we become clear once we die again

    Nice day outside 🙂

    Free Member

    I reckon we are all dead our maybe in a type of coma.

    Free Member

    If you live in an old house believe in things a six year old tells you it’s just one of those things, you get used to it in the end and they are pretty easy to ignore.

    That would be freaky, as I don’t know any six year olds.

    Full Member

    a less developed or damaged brain stumbles on recognition and attempts to recognise shadows or objects as people.

    Yep, Pareidolia, a bit like the “less developed brain” of Googe’s DeepDream neural net finding eyes, faces and animals everywhere it looks:

    DeepDreamingProcess [CC BY-SA 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], by Zmenglish (Own work), from Wikimedia Commons


    Full Member

    I’m an open minded sceptic on ghosts. Been to several reputedly haunted houses, the most intriguing was one where the owner didn’t believe in ghosts but described a series of sightings and noises that he had not been able to explain. The front bedroom, now a guest room, had seen several friends kept awake by a young boys figure appearing in the night.

    Interesting to hear though.

    Free Member

    Slept in the hotels and the ‘haunted’ rooms in Abingdon near Oxford while helping film a documentary.

    1st night no problem. Zzz mmm.

    Then everyone told me ghost stories in the pubs the next day.

    2nd night didn’t sleep a wink with fright especially when a locked cabinet door opened by itself with the slow creak.

    The floor boards extend into other rooms – you could hear creaking from other rooms as people walked around.

    The cleaners refused to clean one room alone too.

    I didn’t see a thing but the temperature did drop (summer) below 5C and we all felt like something was there after the mind was tricked by local ghost stories lol.

    Free Member

    Beware op,
    Your daughter WILL kill you in your sleep…

    Full Member

    I’m an open minded sceptic on ghosts.

    I’m an open-minded sceptic generally. As a kid I hoovered up stuff like “Unexplained” magazine, as an adult I learned how five-nines% of these cases are actually Explained.

    I’d dearly, dearly love to have first-hand experience of ghosts, or working hypnosis or some such. I challenge anyone to prove it / show me.

    Full Member

    deadkenny – Member
    She can see you. Have you checked you’re alive?

    ^^^ Right this is freaking me out now ^^^

    can anyone else read that?

    Full Member

    ‘I can’t describe it, it just looked like a figure of a man or woman, but it was indescribable, hazy, but more visible than mist,

    Sounds like one of my daughter’s “dust people”.


    Full Member

    Where are all the cavrmen ghosts?

    Never mind them, why isn’t there any in tracksuits or other modern clothing. Do you have to be dead for a certain amount of time before you can come back?

    Full Member

    We live in a 200+ year old house.

    I live in a 300 year old house which we’ve been told is haunted. Haven’t told the kids that yet but they think it is anyway. I’ve not told them about the alien abductions either.

    Free Member

    Never mind them, why isn’t there any in tracksuits or other modern clothing. Do you have to be dead for a certain amount of time before you can come back?

    Have you not seen…


    Free Member

    “If you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” 🙄

    ( … this is your imagination I am not here … 😈 )

    Full Member

    My 6 year old and her friends assist the fairies that live in the school orchard. I’m not entirely sure why the fairies need help but I blame the Rainbow Magic books

    Good thing they’re not classic old-skool Fey, or Faerie; they’d have had the kids away to use as slaves, and replaced them with something horrid, a changeling.
    It’s been suggested that under certain circumstances, especially when there’s violence, or a person in a heightened emotional state, the event can ‘imprint’ or ‘record’ itself on the fabric of the building or locality. Seeing as how everything has an electromagnetic structure, then there’s an element of truth hiding in there.

    Free Member

    why isn’t there any in tracksuits

    Maybe the afterworld has a dress code?

    Free Member

    anyone ever heard of / done smudging?
    If it was me i smudge the **** out of that place, Just sayin

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