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  • My 1st one………….FRIDAY A+A………..OO LA LA
  • dave_aber
    Free Member

    It’s awl weegal…

    Free Member

    Willow Koerber

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Blimey, a few uptight people on here today. It’s all good fun and not meant in a demeaning manner. So as was mentioned before, if you don’t like it there is the door. It’s friday after all!

    Full Member

    Maybe I’m missing something here, but if you’re going to make pathetic rationalisations to explain your leching – and that’s pretty sad in itself – why don’t you stick to postinig pics of your lust objects actually engaged in sporting activity?

    To be honest, the saddest bit of all this is the dressing it up with crap about athleticism so you can avoid the slightly pathetic reality which is that this is all about soft pornography.

    Free Member

    you post the pics by putting the location link between the following, without the spaces:

    Thanks for the heads up 🙂

    Free Member

    quote]DezB – Member
    no rude comments ?


    Posted 4 hours ago # Report-Post[/quote]

    personally i like this best of all. 🙂

    Free Member

    Hey it’s all just fun really, none of the pictures are unavailable to the masses.

    I also like to wager ye a small purse squires that none of them were taken/released without permission or indeed under duress. Therefore the rather pretty/sexy/fine ladies involved know exactly what they’re doing. 8)

    Free Member

    Maybe a member for just 2 days but have been lurking for alot longer, i used to use the older forum, and have only just felt like registering.

    Indeed i don’t need to open and read this or any thread, but i guess it annoyed me as i see women in a different way.

    The thread is used for on obvious reasons, one that the mods would rather not happen but do so as clearly alot of you like it and the more users they have, then it’s better for the business…

    Anyway, i can’t change things or people and certainly can’t keep up…

    I’ve a boat to catch and some hooks to bait up…….
    Into the the deep blue for some fishing, perhaps i should respect fish more…..ta ta…

    Free Member

    vrepami, there’s nothing wrong with looking at and appreciating the fine forms of woman. join us!

    Free Member

    Mark foster

    he’s not exactly flaccid is he ??

    but i guess it annoyed me as i see women in a different way.

    when you look at a photo, all you see is the body, and that’s the level at which you can respond. When you interact with a person it can be quite different. There’s no real conflict here.

    To be honest, the saddest bit of all this is the dressing it up with crap about athleticism so you can avoid the slightly pathetic reality which is that this is all about soft pornography.

    I’m guessing that BWD is being disingenuous as usual, but in any case I think he’s pushing it to claim porn, even soft – I think most of the shots are straightforward reportage, or perhaps merely provocative.

    so anyone that wishes to look at pictures of attractive women, are doing so for person pleasure… beyond what is respectable……

    pleasure isn’t wrong, and these photos aren’t disrespectful

    Free Member

    Lets face it, we all have a look on here cos we like the look of the other sex (when fit in both senses of the word)and in some cases the same sex. Even the girlies have a go god bless ’em!!

    I know what “Friday A&A” is about. If you dont want to see it, don’t bother looking.

    Good work Windymills, bottom pic is class!!

    Free Member

    just to put a stick in yer spokes :

    Full Member

    I’m guessing that BWD is being disingenuous as usual, but in any case I think he’s pushing it to claim porn, even soft – I think most of the shots are straightforward reportage, or perhaps merely provocative.

    No, I’m quite serious. I do think the whole rationalisation is pathetic, call it soft porn, call it glamour modelling, whatever you like, it’s clearly nothing to do with athleticism whatsoever and pretending that it is really is just somewhat sad. I don’t particularly care if you want to ogle scantily clad women, but why not just be honest and admit it instead of pretending sporting prowess has anything to do with it. It denigrates men just as much as women.

    Free Member

    A few more friends

    Shanaze Reade" alt="" title="" class="bbcode-image" />
    Shazane Reade

    Willy Kanis" alt="" title="" class="bbcode-image" />
    Willy Kanis

    Free Member

    Damn, looks like my gates need a coat of paint…

    Free Member

    it’s clearly nothing to do with athleticism whatsoever and pretending that it is really is just somewhat sad. I don’t particularly care if you want to ogle scantily clad women, but why not just be honest and admit it instead of pretending sporting prowess has anything to do with it.

    everyone knows that, but that’s the only reason it’s allowed, once a week!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Falls off chair… whoa!

    Batty podium finish…sorry but she is gorgeous!

    I wish I had abs like Wolverine!

    Free Member

    Batty + Podium = Ace!


    Free Member

    Is fishing a sport??????

    Well i feel it apt around here today…

    Ah well tis worth a try..

    This is Rachel Tuckerman, professional fishwoman…

    i like the write up near her pic

    it is important that the individual items of tackle be properly balanced one with the other. Unbalanced equipment has been responsible for more difficulties and failures of beginners

    maybe it’s the way i read it.

    Free Member

    hey sharki, she’s not bad – that’s two expert fishermen/women in one thread.

    Free Member

    My dad had a 18ft boat in blue anchor….i guess it’s in the blood.

    Free Member

    for caledonia, a bumper collection of VP pics, including all of that photo shoot, i think:

    Free Member

    Jennifer Hohl

    Can you tell i’m trying to kill the last couple of hors of work??!!

    Free Member

    and best of all:

    Free Member

    Sorry, top one is Hanka Kupfernagel 😳

    Free Member

    no apology necessary!

    Free Member

    um if you dont want rude comments a bout a mate is it wise posting their half naked pic here?

    or one of her and her sis in bikinis? 😐

    im so glad i found this thread so good to see Rodman still in professional sport

    Free Member

    Ton – I know it’s fun, but there are rules mate RULES!! No models!
    BWD – It’s really really easy not to look at threads you don’t like (or denigrate you).
    Especially one which has a subject telling you what it is.

    Full Member

    BWD – It’s really really easy not to look at threads you don’t like (or denigrate you).
    Especially one which has a subject telling you what it is.

    No, you misunderstand me, what I’m saying is not that I’m offended by it, just that I think it’s pathetic and a slightly tragic piece of rationalisation. Of course, if you’re irritated by people expressing their opinions and views openly, you could always go and live somewhere with a more authoritarian regime.

    Free Member

    BWD – for the sake of argument, do you regard it as more tragic and pathetic than reading Nuts magazine, say?

    Full Member

    BWD – for the sake of argument, do you regard it as more tragic and pathetic than reading Nuts magazine, say?

    Yeah, I do actually. If you choose to buy Nuts, you openly acknowledge what you’re doing, there’s no pretence about it. No-one says, ah, I buy Nuts magazine because the women in it are both intellectually and aesthetically stimulating do they? 🙂

    Full Member

    Although arguably Nuts magazine is more intellectually stimulating than the STW forum, so maybe I’m being a little harsh there. Anyway, have to go ride my bike. Sorry if I’ve offended anyone by pointing out the obvious.

    Free Member

    Has he gone yet?

    Good, then we can get on with the thread.

    Denise Lewis – retired heptathlist, sometime ballroom dancist

    Free Member


    Get off your high horses, have a Friday drink and chill out.

    Free Member

    Besides, i think the athleticism plays an important part in this, all the birds in here are fit looking in the true sense, we’re admiring the female (or male) for which is a result of dedication and training. not just ogling pneumatic stylised models.

    Free Member

    Charlie you were doing so well till you used the term birds…..

    Free Member

    BWD takes this all too seriously. The A&A theme simply keeps the pictures vaguely on-theme and respectful of people who get their figures by fitness rather than lack of food.

    Also tinker seems to assume we don’t encourage blokes in the A&A thread, which I find odd. I think the women should put up more of a resistance 😀

    Free Member

    Also tinker seems to assume we don’t encourage blokes in the A&A thread, which I find odd. I think the women should put up more of a resistance

    From the very outset of this worthy venture, I have always made it totally clear that it is equally open to chaps, ladies who like chaps, ladies who like ladies and chaps who like chaps.

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