I can’t help feel these threads drift dangerously close to the edge of perversity…some pics are tasteful and i admit quite sexy, but they are blatantly being viewed as objects of sexual desire and not as subjects of sporting admiration, etc.
I see the A&A rules as away to allow tasteful posting of A&A people in such a way… almost as a tool to share ones admiration and to advertise what could be achieved if the mind and soul are put into a sport……
We’re all sports people in a sense and should we look at these pics in awe of their bodies…..then are you perving or are you wishing you could be as healthy looking as them?
Judging by the fact it’s all pics of women and you’re all i assume men, then i can only assume you’re all pervs… and if i was walking down the street with my incredibly healthy and attractive girl friend and you looked upon me and thought, ‘WTF is she doing with him’ it’s because i’m with her as she’s a great person and she’s with me because i treat her as a great person.
Women are to be treated in a respectable way as much as attractive men should……..for all those posting on this thread who are single, lonely, enjoying the pics for the wrong reasons…sort it out and start treating women differently, perhaps then you may have one like you desire….
Right that’s me vented, now back to the pron channel before the missus gets back from shopping….