firstly that dan hannan is a cock. what the **** is he doing bad mouthing the NHS and the way that “newsman” lapped it up was laughable.
the NHS is one of the greatest institutions the UK has. i’m in germany where there is no equivalent of the NHS. the system here is much like the US one excpet that you must pay into a scheme. the cheapest, most basic option is 145€. i’ve friends who pay over 600€/month for a private scheme. if i were to get hit by a car here i’d end up in hospital, but recieve a massive bill at the end of it as i’m (don’t tell anyone) not insured, despite the fact it wasn’t my fault.
if the same happened to my GF in the UK she’d come out of hospital and that would be the end of it. proper scandel.
never bad mouth the NHS…!!!
secondly, the issue of CRB check is irrelevent. you could still be a peado even if you have a clean CRB, just a peado who hasn’t been arrested or charged with being a peado.
and the teachers are taking a day off, whether it is due to striking or they want a jolly down the pub, it is still a day off.