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  • Motorhome rear bike rack
  • reluctantwrinkly
    Free Member

    I’m looking at fitting a fiamma pro 2 rack to a Motorhome but a bit concerned the bars may be too wide to avoid hitting the van without twisting  the bars. Any experience of this please? The rack can be adapted to carry 4 bikes so could perhaps be fitted further outboard. Would I need extended clamps for this. I will only be carrying 2 bikes.

    Full Member

    For us, it depends which bike is on the rack….a road bike is fine, my MTB isn’t, it takes about 30 seconds to turn the bars before putting the bike on the rack..then another 30s at the other end. I’d rather do that than have the bike further out on the rack

    Free Member

    Can you do that without having to adjust the headset or does the start fangled nut adjustment stay put?

    Full Member

    We have a Fiamma bike rack on motorhome and have to rotate the bars of all the bikes. It’s a bit worse than that even; as hubs have got wider we can’t get four boost width bikes on the back together and the larger bikes are a bit long for the rails. 3.0 tyres don’t fit in the straps so I have to bungee those on.Writing this makes me realise I should probably do something about it!

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