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  • Most powerful person in the world
  • andrewh
    Free Member

    I keep hearing this phrase whenever the US election is discussed on the radio.
    Is the US president really the most powerful person in the world? Yes, they are the head of the most powerful nation, both economically and militarily, and arguably culturally, but do they have much real power? Congress and the senate can limit them quite a lot, they have a far from free reign.
    Is Putin the most powerful person? He’s in charge of a less, but still very, powerful nation, and can wield much more influence over it than the US president can over theirs.
    Xi Jinping probably has more personal say in the running of his country than Putin does over his, but is China more powerful than Russia?
    It could be argued that our queen has a lot of theoretical power over what is still an important country and is limited only by convention rather than by rules.
    Just me thinking. Anyone else been thinking about it?

    Full Member

    It’s Hora.

    If he stops buying frames and cars it kicks off a butterfly effect underpinning the world’s economy.

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    Free Member

    Of course, always. Not sure of the answer though!!

    Free Member

    My current girlfriend is usually the most powerful person in my world.

    Free Member

    Whoever runs Goldman Sachs runs the world.

    Free Member


    However, no paging threads.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    and arguably culturally

    Please explain

    Free Member

    US culture (media, food, music, etc, etc) seems to be more pervasive than that of most other countries. The English language is our greatest contribution to world culture but this has already happened, the US influence still seems to be increasing. And not just in the English-speaking world, there was US music in every bar I went into in Slovenia in the summer, their films in the cinemas in Switzerland, their fast-food in Germany.
    Can you name a single Slovenian band? A Swiss film? A German fast-food chain?

    Free Member

    Give me control of a nation’s money supply… I care not who makes it’s laws

    Larry Fink…. CEO of Blackrock

    Who manages 7% of the whole world’s assets

    Full Member

    chuck by boltonjon[/url], on Flickr

    Full Member

    Rothschild. He is the most powerful person in the world.

    Free Member

    I dare say, none of you have experienced my farts after a weekend on the lash!

    Full Member

    The queen, because of all her armies


    Whoever is that has the hand that rocks the cradle

    Free Member

    Hapfthor Bjornson. Surely.

    Free Member

    US culture (media, food, music, etc, etc) seems to be more pervasive than that of most other countries. The English language is our greatest contribution to world culture but this has already happened, the US influence still seems to be increasing. And not just in the English-speaking world, there was US music in every bar I went into in Slovenia in the summer, their films in the cinemas in Switzerland, their fast-food in Germany.
    Can you name a single Slovenian band? A Swiss film? A German fast-food chai

    Yes I see your point, sad innit 🙁

    Free Member

    Bow down to your leader.

    Free Member

    Larry Fink…. CEO of Blackrock

    Who manages 7% of the whole world’s assets.

    $4.3 trill appparently

    Free Member

    I love the merican media though 😉 That Jamie Oliver bowled over there like billy big bollocks and they pulled his pants down within the first few days. He was crying like a baby and soon scarpered, still he managed to avoid a sex scandal.

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    Free Member

    I love the merican media though That Jamie Oliver bowled over there like billy big bollocks and they pulled his pants down within the first few days. He was crying like a baby and soon scarpered, still he managed to avoid a sex scandal.

    mercian media? jamie oliver? yet James Corden and Piers Morgan can waltz into big jobs? 😆

    come on son, come on

    Full Member

    That is definitely making me think.

    Free Member

    The most powerful person in the world is the one with the least constraints, so Putin at the moment.

    And of course Chuck Norris all the time.

    Full Member

    Serious answer – if you count most powerful as the person most capable of destroying the world as we know it if they felt so inclined I’d probably say Putin at the moment but it could be Kim Jong-un in the not so distant future. You need a combination of means and unconditional loyalty. Kim Jong-un has the top trump best score on loyalty and if he gets himself sorted with some nukes he’ll also have the means. China could crush the rest of us economically if it felt the need and could give us a headache militarily but Xi Jinping has enough people around him that would get rid of him if he went batshit mental.

    Free Member

    @ dirtyrider – Didn’t Piers come scuttling back with said tail between his legs after dabbling with Gun control.

    James Cordon only drives about in car and arse licks celebrity illuminati 😉 so he’ll be alright.

    Free Member

    Most powerful person in the world

    No doubt it is either the Merican or Russian President.

    If I were to guess in a head to head conflict the strongest, in destruction by a slim margin, will be Merican but not before she too is also near fatally wounded.

    Free Member

    @ the OP: in what sense?

    Full Member

    At the moment I would go for Putin, it seems he can do what he likes with no comeback.
    Obama has too many checks and balances on what he can actually do, nutter in N Korea is just a village idiot who will actually be crushed if he tries anything meaningful.

    Free Member

    My mother in law.

    Full Member

    China could crush the rest of us economically

    We didn’t need China for that.

    Full Member

    I’d say Putin too, everybody (besides maybe the North Koreans) seems too shit scared to confront him/Russia in any way.

    Free Member

    Doesn’t help that Putin is a psychopath.

    Can’t imagine anyone gets the chance to heckle him twice in council.

    Free Member

    I’d suggest people who can influence are much more powerful. Take Mark Zuckerberg for example. He could directly influence just over 20% of the world population with small tweaks to a website…

    Free Member

    Surely its the ‘HULK’ right?

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