re Riddlesden, I don’t want to risk pi$$ing them off by promoting it on a public forum, especially as we are hoping shortly to be encouraging the main Riddlesden lads to work with us on another project in St.Ives. They are called the West Yorkshire Trail Militia on Facebook. I believe they like a ‘dig to ride’ approach. The ‘trails’ are a couple DH tracks/lines.
At some point in the near future SingletrAction/BMDC are hoping to build/get funding for a mini bike park in St Ives. The proposed ‘features’ will probably be more appropriate to the average trail rider than what is available at Riddlesden. 1st dig day is on 30 Sept at 9.30am at Harden Moor/Keighley Road Car park if anyone is interested. This section will be to join Altar Lane with Harden Moor via St Ives(cutting out the Keighley Road descent). For late arrivals we will be somewhere along the Fairfax Entrenchments.
More info will be on the SingletrAction forum or SingletrAction on Facebook.