The shoes on my feet
Alf Garnet
The clothes I’m wearing
Alf Garnet
The rock I’m rocking
Alf Garnet
There was a better version on the fantastic website where a picture of Alf Garnett’s face popped up each time. This seems to be missing from the YouTube version.
Try and see if you have more luck than me.
a mate of mine who plays bass in a function band as well as a band we play in, has a punter come up and ask him ‘play Africa’
odd choice but yes they could (Ollie the bassist has played it before so that helps) so they consult the ipad for the changes and lyrics to Africa by Toto and they do it
afterwards the punter comes over and says ‘so when you gonna play it??’ “er, we just did” ‘no I mean “AAAAAaaaafrica! le freak say chic”‘