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  • Mild OCD? Arrange your CDs alphabetically? HELP………………
  • RustySpanner
    Full Member

    Jeff Wayne’s War of the Worlds.

    Alphabetise by Wayne’s or War? 😐

    I know, sadder than a kitten’s funeral, isn’t it?

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    Colour order. Black spine at the top then the colours of the spectrum and white at the bottom. You know it makes sense.

    Full Member

    I’d do it by the composer or musician, otherwise you’ll have albums by the same person all over the show.

    So Wayne or Jeff 🙂

    Free Member

    Mild OCD? Mild OCD?

    Bit more than mild

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    Harry_the_Spider – Member


    Colour order. Black spine at the top then the colours of the spectrum and white at the bottom. You know it makes sense.

    You sick weirdo.
    Tell me you’re not serious?

    How in the name of Jesus H Corbett does that work then?

    Say I decide I want to listen to ‘Dana sings the ballads of Motorhead’.
    First I have to remember the colour of the spine, then work out where on the colour spectrum it falls, then try and find it?
    No way am I bothering with that – a complete self-abusers’ outing.
    And you’re allowed to organise a bike race?

    My initial thoughts are that it has to be alphabetised by Wayne, as he is the artist.
    Surnames of course, first name alphebetisation would just be too absurd to contemplate.

    However, this means I’ll have to rearrange West Side Story under B for Bernstein.


    Full Member

    The way I did it is by artist, on first name. So WotW would be under ‘J’. Reasoning is that it avoids ambiguity on names that aren’t really names; eg, if you organise by surname, should Jethro Tull be ‘J’ or ‘T’? If you’re going to do it, consistency is key.

    My reasoning for alphabetising, incidentally, isn’t OCD; it’s so that if something is missing, I can make an educated guess as to what it is, and thus who I might have lent it to. Plus, it makes it easier to find things quickly.

    Some people organise by genre. That way lies madness.

    Full Member

    Wimmins logic dictates that the artist’s name is used. Nothing wrong with a bit of order … until CD storage unit is full and the floor gets used. 😳

    More muzak, less faffing. 🙂

    Full Member

    White spine IIRC. Somewhere near the bottom.

    Free Member

    Alphabetically by artists surname, so filed under Wayne. That was an easy one! Mine are filed alphabetically and in also in four genres, that’s the bit I probably shouldn’t have done.

    Full Member

    But Cougar, Jethro Tull is the name of the band, not the individual artist, so it goes under J, obviously!

    CG & Anna, everything else is alphabetised under surname, artist or name of band.
    Then further split by date of release for each recording, obviously.

    It’s just the shows that are causing me trouble.
    Operas are arranged by composer, so I suppose shows must follow the same convention.

    Full Member

    Alphabetically by artists surname, so filed under Wayne. That was an easy one!

    This 😀

    Mine are filed alphabetically and in also in four genres, that’s the bit I probably shouldn’t have done.

    Correct. 😉

    Full Member

    Genre? There’s more than one genre for muzak? Nobody told me!

    Free Member

    Alphabetic by artists surname or name of the band/group with compilations should right at the end.

    Any other method = wrong.

    Full Member

    jota180 – Member

    Mild OCD? Mild OCD?

    Bit more than mild

    Says a man who has his conrods & crank throws spaced completely illogically.

    I’d have to get a 120 (if I could reach the floor), just for reasons of symmetry. 🙂

    Free Member

    I was told to ignore “The” when arranging by artist; ended up giving away my copies of Soul Mining and Infected.


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    DaveyBoyWonder – Member

    with compilations should right at the end

    Ah, I can see where you’ve gone wrong there:
    If a compilation has a name, ie ‘North: Sound of the Dance Underground’ or ‘Bullshit Detector’ it’s filed by name alphabetically.

    Un-named compilations go under ‘v’ for various.

    Free Member

    Artist name.

    So ‘J’ for Jeff.

    Full Member

    It was a problem just like this that led me to throw all my “the the” albums in the bin during a fit of librarian rage…

    Full Member

    ah, now – compilations ! (mine are after z fwiw)

    wasnotwas – stick on the top shelf next to the the ? (or ask wwaswas, he’ll know)

    Full Member

    Genre? There’s more than one genre for muzak? Nobody told me!

    Course there is – there’s 2 genres, good music & crap music.

    Full Member

    Jeff Wayne’s War of the Worlds.

    Alphabetise by Wayne’s or War?

    So you’ve presumably been happily alphabetising all afternoon & have only now considered artist or album title as your criteria?!

    Free Member

    You don’t have an iPod 😯

    Full Member

    Personally i’d file it under “S” for soundtrack then “W” for war of the worlds, but i did have a good few thousand cd’s before i ripped them to hard disc.

    Free Member

    get a toddler…..all CD filing problems solved. just retrieve them from the toilet bowl / kitchen cupboards / toybox as and when you need them…

    Free Member

    Alphabetically by artist, then chronologically by release date for multiple releases by one artist.

    so Dig Your Own Hole would come under C for Chemical Brothers, but after Exit Planet Dust.

    Full Member

    I’d be next to ‘Weekend Players’ – ww is an abbreviation of weekendworrier 🙂

    Free Member

    I assume that the OP has checked that the cd would be in a different place whichever classification he uses, otherwise this is all a bit of a waste of time. 😉

    Full Member

    PrinceJohn – Member

    Jeff Wayne’s War of the Worlds.

    Alphabetise by Wayne’s or War?

    So you’ve presumably been happily alphabetising all afternoon & have only now considered artist or album title as your criteria?!


    Merging two collections into one – mine is alphabetised by artist surname/compilation name – APART from shows, which I appear to have arranged by name of show rather than composer.

    Her collection isn’t arranged at all.
    She will learn.

    tails – Member

    You don’t have an iPod?

    Yep – makes a nice noise – not really music though, is it? 🙂

    athgray – Member

    I assume that the OP has checked that the cd would be in a different place whichever classification he uses, otherwise this is all a bit of a waste of time.

    Mate was in a band called ‘Wasp Factory’.
    I’ve got a couple of their CD’s 🙂

    Free Member

    Don’t forget that Jeff Wayne is Jeffry. Jeff Lynne will be a Jeffrey and if you have Jeff Beck it’ll be a Geoffrey.
    If you’re not going to do it properly, don’t bother starting.

    Full Member

    Her collection isn’t arranged at all.
    She will learn.

    I tried this once, it remained in order for a while, then it slowly de-alphabetised itself…

    Free Member

    PrinceJohn – Member

    Her collection isn’t arranged at all.
    She will learn.

    I tried this once, it remained in order for a while, then it slowly de-alphabetised itself…

    Although I bet she remained absolute adamant that “I come before U”.

    Free Member

    artist surname, forename, year of release.

    Yeah, it’s that easy.

    Mrs aa takes hours to find a cd, me…seconds.

    As stated above, i also ordered mrs aa’s cd’s for her but she cant keep it in order.

    Full Member

    I do it by surname except for compilations which are under V for various and are subsequently in alphabetical order by album title.

    Full Member

    ww is an abbreviation of weekendworrier

    I liked weekendworrier, why’d you dump it ?

    (err, no offence, like)

    Free Member

    Free Member

    all albums by the same artist together in chronological order. Where the artists are relative to each other doesn’t matter, but the most played have to be the easiest to get to.

    So I have CDs by New Model Army, Foo Fighters, Nirvana, Sisters Of Mercy, All About Eve & The Mission fairly close together. not exactly alphabetical though.

    Most Most Played tend to be in the car

    Full Member

    Whatever matches your phone / iPod, otherwise you search for ‘The Beatles’ under B in your phone (based on your CD library) and then have to scroll through loads of other T’s

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