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  • Maths/programming q
  • RealMan
    Free Member

    Just finished a nice little matlab script that gives me the dominant eigenvalue (with an error of at most 10^-7) and eigenvector of a 3×3 matrix, using the power method.

    However, it’s giving me the correct eigenvalue, but the negative of the eigenvector (-b instead of b).

    Here’s my script

    a=[9 5 1;8 -5 9;-9 -2 -2];

    function bnew=powermethod(a,b)

    bnew=[0;0;0]; c=0; itterations = 0;

    while c==0
    itterations = itterations + 1;
    d=a*b; e=a*bnew;

    error = abs( (d(1)/b(1)) – (e(1)/bnew(1)) );

    if error<10^-7
    fprintf(‘\n Script took %d itterations to converge.\n’, itterations);
    fprintf(‘\n Eigenvalue is %d.\n’, e(1)/bnew(1));

    I know this is pushing it a bit, but thought someone might be able to see what’s going on. Cheers.

    Full Member

    iterations only has one t.

    Free Member

    Good point, well made. Spelling is now fixed.

    Full Member

    The maths is beyond me, but I’m pretty sure that the spelling of your variable names isn’t the problem. (-:

    Free Member

    I was pretty sure too, but gave it a go anyway.. 😉

    So with the eigenvalue/vector equation, v being the eigenvalue, b being the eigenvector


    If you swap b and -b you get




    So does that mean -b is still an eigenvector, of the same eigenvalue? Or am I being stupid?

    Free Member

    Dunno what language that is supposed to be. But, purely for curiosity:

    function bnew=powermethod(a,b)
    bnew=[0;0;0]; c=0; itterations = 0;

    …to someone used to c plus plus you appear to ‘declare’ something called bnew initialised to the return from powermethod, then immediately replace the contents with an array of 3 zeros.

    Free Member

    Yeah, to be fair that doesn’t have to be there, it doesn’t really do anything except just remind me it’s a vector.

    Free Member

    Dunno what language that is supposed to be.

    MATLAB code is a slightly bizarre mash-up of C and FORTRAN, with native support for vector and matrix data types thrown in.

    The first line…

    function bnew=powermethod(a,b)

    … is actually the function signature for powermethod() which takes two arguments a,b and returns bnew… the following code then implements it

    I used to work for Mathworks by the way 🙂

    Full Member

    elliptic – I used to work for Mathworks by the way

    Having suffered 3 years of Matlab at uni, please tell me where you live so I can h?u?n?t? ?y?o?u? ?d?o?w?n? ?a?n?d? ?k?i?l?l? ?y?o?u? bring you some free cake.

    Free Member

    i think you’re missing this?

    fprint (‘\n Hello World’)

    no need to thank me

    Free Member

    Matlab is ace.

    to the op, cut+pasting your code gives an eigenvector:


    which seems to be sort of correct as


    ans =


    which is parallel, except pointing in the opposite direction, like you said.

    The reason is that you are using the wrong operator in this line:
    error = abs( (d(1)/b(1)) – (e(1)/bnew(1)) );

    it should be:
    error = abs( (d(1)\b(1)) – (e(1)\bnew(1)) );

    EDIT: actually that still seems wrong as a*ans is still pointing in the opposite direction….hmmmm

    Free Member

    I’m not sure it is wrong thinking about it more. I think B is still and eigenvector of A so long as A*B is parallel to A.

    In fact, that’s what the negative eigenvalue in this case (-8.13) tells you (i.e. A*(-8.13) = A*B).

    Full Member

    Bit rusty here, but isn’t the dominant eigenvalue the one with the largest absolute magnitude?

    In which case, this can be either positive or negative, and in this case, the calculated value is negative.

    As above, am not sure there is anything wrong.

    Free Member

    Correct funkynick, the eigenvalue is fine, it’s the eigenvector that’s negative.

    Free Member

    It’s Zero.

    Or Twenty Six.

    Perhaps Twenty Eight….

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